
Friday, January 16, 2009

Chocolate Pizzelles

I had mentioned at some point at John's parents house about owning a pizzelle iron... his dad got VERY excited about this fact, so I had to make him a batch! His dad also really likes dark chocolate, so I adapted the recipe to include some dark chocolate cocoa powder. I made sure to bring some into work as well to share the crisp goodness.

My one coworker described them "like a very thin crisp oreo cookie" ... sounds good to me right!?

Again, like I said in my original recipe pizzelle post, the only special thing you need is a pizzelle iron, otherwise these are as simple as you get!

Pizzelle Cookies
3 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 stick butter (melted)
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 cup bread flour
1/4 cup dark chocolate cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
zest from one orange (optional)

BEAT eggs, add sugar gradually, add melted butter

MIX flour, cocoa, & baking powder

ADD dry mixture to wet gradually, stir in orange zest (if using)

DROP spoonfuls on a hot pizzelle iron and cook according to iron instructions (mine has a light that goes on and off when they are done) remove and cool on a wire rack, or roll into ice cream cone shape and set aside to cool.

You can take two of these and make nutella sandwiches, or sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with ice cream... or just eat them all up plain!



  1. how gorgeous! i always see these at whole foods and want to make them myself!

  2. I love Pizzelles, they look fabulous!!

  3. Wow, so fragile. Love the idea of a nutella sandwich.

  4. Wow, love kitchen toys. Those are beautifully delicate cookies. How fun they are??? Great work
    Score for the daughter-in-law or girlfriend-in-law...he he he

  5. hey stephanie, if i want to make those chocolate pizzelles vegan is there a way? my family doesnt eat eggs,so id need a substitute.. i want to make them for this saturday's engagement party.

  6. Thank you for the very easy recipe and they tasted amazing!!!

  7. I'm so glad you liked them! Thanks for letting me know!!


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)