
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Feeds - FYI

Hey so the RSS feed is short now... I really hope that doesn't bug you. I've been reading up on weird spam stuff and people using the full feeds to post as if it's their own... Due to this I've decided to make my feed a short one. If you hate hate hate this please let me know, I don't want to loose all my readers because of this!

OK Kara made an amazing point, and I totally understand the ease of use. I have so many blogs I look at too, but I still try to click through to show my support and comment, so I guess the short feeds don't bother me... but man 700!!! WOW!! Yeah I couldn't do 700 LOL

I'm looking into being able to shorten the feed but not to 255 characters which seems to be what blogger wants me to do... So don't unsubscribe yet... I'm figuring it out! :D

Thanks for reading! You rock!!


  1. Well ... hm. :) I totally understand about stuff being scraped and used (that's why I have a scraping disclaimer at the bottom of my feed) but honestly, I do unsub to feeds that shorten to 1 line. I feed over 700 blogs to my Thunderbird feeder. I just don't have TIME to click through to each one individually. It's not personal at all ... just a matter of time management and common sense for me.

    OTOH, there are some people who have shortened their feeds, but not down to one line and I do still follow them. I can see enough of the post to see if it's worth my time to click through or not ... and then it retains some usefulness. I think Deb at has done the best job of balancing out the two extremes.


  2. OK Kara made an amazing point, and I totally understand the ease of use. I have so many blogs I look at too, but I still try to click through to show my support and comment, so I guess the short feeds don't bother me... but man 700!!! WOW!! Yeah I couldn't do 700 LOL

    I'm looking into being able to shorten the feed but not to 255 characters which seems to be what blogger wants me to do... So don't unsubscribe yet... I'm figuring it out! :D

  3. I am trying to get my Google Reader down to 100 blogs. Right now I'm at about 300 (down from 500). When someone goes to a partial feed, I usually delete them, but if you can give me a partial feed with one picture, I keep it. For me food is very visual. So I have a hard time getting excited about a recipe without a picture. I'm keeping you around though cause I love your blog. But I would highly recommend at least figuring out how to get the first pic and some words in the feed.

  4. i'd continue to read your posts even if they were 10,000 words each and i had to do an analytical paper on it afterward.

  5. Thanks for the input guys. I'm looking into options but I figured out how to do the disclaimer like Kara said on the full feed, so I'm sticking with that for now. Why can't this be easier? LOL

  6. 700?!?! Insane.

    This sounds antiquated... but I try to read blogs three days a week. If someone has posted 4 posts in the 3 days since I last visited, I'll only read their most recent post.

    I can tell that some people don't appreciate that... but the way I think of it... I want to stay connected but if I try to stay connected to EACH post than I simply won't have enough time to stay connected with the number of people that I want to!!

    Sigh. Why is it so hard?! :) Anyway, I'm sure you'll figure it out, and we ALL understand!

  7. I went to a short feed too. Just to be safe!

  8. I'm alright with the partial feed--I usually click through anyways to comment :)

  9. I didn't know you could adjust it? And I really don't even know what we are talking about! I use Google Reader, is this adjusting how you look in other people's Reader?

    Confused in Dallas


  10. Natalie- no worries it's confusing :) Basically I'm trying to make my posts not show fully in google reader to prevent people from placing a feed of my blog onto their page and calling it their own. I was hoping to do a partial feed and then you would have to click over to my site to finish reading. But if everyone is going to unsubscribe and stop reading... I don't want to do it :)

  11. That's the exact reason that I switched to a short feed. Two people were stealing my feed - as soon as I posted it was automatically directed to post on their blog. It was so frustrating! Luckily I was able to get them both shut down.

  12. Reeni- good for you for getting them shut down!! How did you ever find out about them anyway?? That's the thing I'm scared about, having it happen and having no clue!

  13. I dont like short feeds. Too lazy to click :)

  14. 700?!?! Insane.

    This sounds antiquated... but I try to read blogs three days a week. If someone has posted 4 posts in the 3 days since I last visited, I'll only read their most recent post.

    I can tell that some people don't appreciate that... but the way I think of it... I want to stay connected but if I try to stay connected to EACH post than I simply won't have enough time to stay connected with the number of people that I want to!!

    Sigh. Why is it so hard?! :) Anyway, I'm sure you'll figure it out, and we ALL understand!


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)