
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

499th Post

So I noticed the other day I was almost to 500 posts!! Today makes 499! Pretty crazy huh? Who knew this little thing would take off and I'd get to meet so many wonderful people!! I'll be celebrating my 2 year bloggiversary on the 13th too!! I want to thank you all for all of your support and coming back to read and comment. Seriously I still get excited every time I get a comment, so keep them coming!!

To think just two years ago I was excited to have 500 people come see what I was about that first month. Now on some really good days I see over 1000 in a day! You have no idea how much that makes me happy!!

Lets celebrate by reviewing some of the highlights!

My first post ever... I was getting ready to start cupcake hero! Man have my recipes improved since then...

The first real hit was on January 8th 2009 with 410 hits!!! Apparently my crochet was more exciting than my chow... hmmmm

The next big day of hits was when John took over with a guest post! John stealing my glory with over 800 hits!!
The post that got the most hits in one day was just this January 13th and the post was for the infamous poose cookies! It got over 1600 hits in one day! I blame the spike on new years resolutions and the need for healthy cookies!

Since day one the hits have gone up and down... but all I know is they will keep coming as long as I keep up with the tasty chow! Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey 499 posts strong. It means the world that you are all out there coming to sneak a peak into what I've been up to.

Lots of love,

Want more chow like what you just read? You can click to subscribe to the feed, follow me on twitter, or become a fan on facebook! Can't wait to see you there!


  1. Congratulations! And again for your next post!

  2. Congrats on almost 2 years and almost 500 posts!! That is amazing girl! You have some wonderful recipes. :)

  3. Congrats! I <3 your recipes. Keep 'em coming!

  4. Yay for tasty chows from Steph! I truly enjoy checking out your blog every time you post something new. Keep up the fantastic work!

  5. Congratulations!! Happy blogging :D

  6. Steph, congratulations! Your beautiful blog is truly an inspiration to us all...

  7. Congratulations Steph on such a successful and wonderful blog. We love you hon!

  8. Can't wait to see your 500th post!

  9. Congrats! Looking forward to what you will share to celebrate 500!

  10. Wow what a blog adventure! Look forward to the 500th post!!

  11. How cool! Congrats on the upcoming 500!

  12. That is a huge accomplishment! Congrats!

  13. congrats steph! you remain one of my favorite's to the next 500!

  14. Ohhh #500 will be a good one, I can already feel it! Congrats on all of your delicious chow!

  15. Keep up the awesome work & of course keep cooking :-)

  16. Keep up the awesome work & of course keep cooking :-)

  17. That is a huge accomplishment! Congrats!


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)