
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Steph Chows on the web

I've got some exciting news to tell you all! Steph Chows is being featured throughout the web!!! I received an email the other day informing me I had been named to the top 50 healthy living blogs by the Nurse Nut!

You can read about it here.

And then i got an email from the people at Natures Pride letting me know my winning Foodbuzz recipe was being featured on their site! TOO COOL! Check it out here.

And on another note! A friend of mine who is super talented made a great sketch of me! To see all his creations check him out here.

Stephanie. (2/08/2010) I was RA’s with Steph. When I lived on Park Ave, I would always run into her jogging around. She has an amazing food blog with recipes and healthy decadence emphasized above all. Check it out. This is (7/7) of my open request week, where I made an invitation for people on my facebook to request to be sketchbooked.

A special thanks to all of you for making this blog grow!! I can't wait to see where we go in the next year :)

Want more chow like what you just read? You can click to subscribe to the feed, follow me on twitter, or become a fan on facebook! Can't wait to see you there!


  1. The sketch of you is seriously awesome! Tons of congratulations on the well deserved fame!!

  2. Your famous? I can say I knew her when...
    Congrats Steph! You deserve this honors and thats a great looking sketch!

  3. Congrats Steph! You definitely deserve it. Keep it up, you're such an inspiration :)

  4. so awesome! Your blog totally deserves the awards!

  5. wow! that's so cool about the 50 healthy blogs. congrats :)

  6. Oooh congratulations! Good stuff. And I love the sketch;)

  7. congrats Steph! and thanks for checking out my blog :)

  8. Yay! Congrats lovely lady! x x

  9. Yay, the attention is so well-deserved! Such a cute sketch!

  10. yay, huge congrats and well deserved!

  11. yay, huge congrats and well deserved!

  12. Yay, the attention is so well-deserved! Such a cute sketch!


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)