
Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm a sucker for good packaging

Are you a sucker for marketing and packaging design? I can be... and this popcorn is beautifully designed I must say. I mean just look at it! I happily won this 479 Popcorn variety pack from Blake Makes! So the packaging didn't get me to buy it, but it's sure getting me to talk about it!

This popcorn screams gourmet, and not just on the outside. Inside these boxes are flavors like:
Alderwood Smoked Salt
Madras Curry Cashew
Black Truffle
Pimentòn de La Vera
Chipotle Caramel Almond
Ginger Sesame Caramel
Fleur de Sel Caramel
Vietnamese Cinnamon

I haven't made it through them all yet, but so far the winner is Ginger Sesame Caramel! Steph, her John, two of their buddies and I had a little tasting this weekend. Apparently the ginger caramel goes well with beer, same goes for the black truffle... the curry however... does NOT go so well with beer :)

What do you think would be your favorite flavor?


  1. I do love good packaging and even better when what is packaged is good too!

  2. That fleur del caramel is calling my name (but that could be because it rhymes). Still sounds lovely.

  3. I'm a sucker for good packaging too ... and I've been meaning to try the popcorn for ages now. I want all the flavors, but I think my favorite would be the fleur de sel caramel. Yum!

  4. Ginger Sesame Caramel? Whoa!!! These all sound incredible!

  5. Oh, yeah. Packaging definitely sells. I know I'm not the only one who still buys the wine with the "cool" label, even though I know it goes against everything I've been taught!

  6. Count me in, I'm definitely a sucker for good packaging.

  7. Fleur de Sel caramel or cinnamon! It looks like a cookie box!

  8. Tasted a lot of the flavors at the Foodbuzz fest. Fleur de sel was awesome.

  9. I am a total sucker for packaging and those boxes look fab x x

  10. It's amazing how much packaging design can form opinions. We actually just studied a whole chapter on this is Marketing--really interesting! That popcorn does sound amazing though!

  11. The Sesame Ginger Caramel, definitely. Though to be honest I've never been a huge fan of flavored popcorn.

  12. That packaging is gorgeous! I'm glad to hear that what's inside lives up to it, heh.

    Also, I need some Fleur de Sel Caramel popcorn RIGHT NOW

  13. Me too! Pretty packaging is a good sell- the flavors look pretty wild though!


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)