
Friday, August 20, 2010

Apricot Sucanat Jam

We have over 30 people signed up for the jam exchange this year!! Thanks everyone for joining in!!! To celebrate the imminent arrival of lots of jam I thought I'd share this recipe with you. It's made with sucanat from wholesome sweeteners and it's delicious!

The only negative to using sucanat in this recipe is it changes the beautiful yellow/orange color of the jam to a more brownish color... but it tastes 100 times better than using white sugar... so I leave it up to you, beautiful color... or delicious taste? :)

Apricot Jam
by steph chows

8 cups chopped up apricots (pits removed) chop them into around 3/4 inch sized pieces
2 Tbs lemon juice
4 cups sucanat (divided)
1 package low sugar pectin
  • Mix 1/4 cup sucanat with box of pectin
  • Using a large pot, stirring constantly, heat 8 cups chopped apricots plus 2 Tbs lemon juice and pectin/sugar mixture over medium high heat until they reach a full rolling boil (bubbles still happen even as you stir).
  • Boil 1 minute (keep stirring)
  • Add remaining 3 3/4 cups sugar
  • Keep stirring constantly and bring back to a rolling boil for 1 more minute
  • Remove from heat
  • Pour into sterilized jars and seal with lids and rings
  • Place jars into boiling water for 10 minutes (use your jar tongs don't just drop them in)
  • Remove from water and let cool overnight, do not bump them while they cool.
this makes a little over 9, 1/2 pints of jam. So freakin good!!!

And of course here are some labels to put under the screw tops like I do!
click on the image to enlarge it, then right click and save to your desktop. Open and print to fit 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper!

So I'm actually off camping today... can't wait to share all the fabulous campfire recipes we come up with on Monday!


  1. I'm so excited for the exchange.
    And I love, love, love the labels! So cute!!

  2. Many thanks for fitting me in at the last minute! This jam sounds wonderful- I've not used sucanat before. I will have to track some down!

  3. Yum! I am looking forward to the exchange as well.

  4. My daughter's new favorite jam is apricot - she would love this!

  5. I'd vote for the delicious taste over the color every time!

  6. I love your labels! I already made mine and they weren't nearly as cute as yours.
    As we speak I am putting the strong arm in with my crock pot for the lovely...okay, messy. And it's the first time I haven't found bell jars to do it, so I researched sealing with screw lids after speaking with a German maker here at the market.
    My friend sent me strawberry lavender jam and I am now convinced there is nothing better on earth.


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)