
Monday, September 13, 2010

First Challenge

Challenge Prompt: For the very first Project Food Blog Challenge, we're asking you to create a blog post that defines you as a food blogger and makes it clear why you think you have what it takes to be the next food blog star.


Why hello there, thanks for visiting! For all of you faithful long time readers thank you so much for sticking around; for all you new readers, here's a little bit about what makes me and my blog tick! :)

First, an admission. I have competing passions: a passion for baking delectable and tasty treats, and a passion to not let passion #1 make me get so large that I can't fit through a doorway. Oh come now, they can go hand in hand!

My blog was founded upon the two guiding tenets of two of my grandparents.
As Grandpa said "Life is short, eat dessert first!"
And as Nana said "Everything in moderation"

The goal of my blog is to transform sugar- and fat-laden recipes into their 'skinnier' counterparts... but here's the key: they still have to TASTE GOOD!! I mean, sure I tried to make shortbread without butter - HA! (yeah that didn't go so well) - but I'll fully admit it when something doesn't work out (because John won't let me forget it !!)

I'm also obsessed with healthy muffins... and photography.. probably in that order (gratuitous plug: see the tab on top labeled muffins? Go ahead try one, I KNOW you will love them!)
So my blog gives me 'healthy' outlets for my creative energies, and it allows me to both meet 'virtual' and real friends from around the globe. And since I love what I'm doing, I try to add a little good into my 'recipe'.. whether it is participating in Operation Baking Gals to send homemade cookies to troops overseas, or going on a shopping spree for Thanksgiving dinner for a family in need.

Now for the other half of the equation. You can eat the bad stuff too! It's ok! Really, it is! And enjoy it! Don't get down because you ate a slice of Amaretto chocolate cheesecake. Be happy and enjoy; just don't make it an everyday habit in mass quantities :)

Need a favorite recipe 'skinny-ed' up? Send me an email stephchows at I'll be happy to experiment! And don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have; I may not know the answer, but I'll give it a go!

Thanks again everyone for your 3 plus years of support. Voting for this competition will open on the 20th! Make sure to come back and I'll link to the place where you can vote for me! :) If you think I'm cool enough that is :)

Want more chow like what you just read? You can click to subscribe to the feed, follow me on twitter, or become a fan on facebook! Can't wait to see you there!


  1. I love that your blog identity draws from your grandparents. They bring the perfect balance of forces in the food world.

  2. Great post Steph!! You're cool in my book!

  3. I love your philosophy. I'm trying to live the same (with mixed results) ;).

  4. I somehow missed this entry last week. Ack! I've added you to the list on my post and I'm off to vote for you now. Good luck, dear friend!!!

  5. I try to do the same thing. I absolutely love baking but don't want to gain tons of weight or eat too unhealthy. I'm looking forward to getting some ideas from your site!

    Just voted for you too - good luck!

  6. I like your blog, you get a vote :D

  7. Healthier desserts are always a welcome treat:) I just posted Buckwheat cookies today:)

    I'm a fellow PFB contestant too:) it was great to read your story, and to discover your unique recipes, you have my vote:) good luck ahead!:)

  8. Everything in moderation... it's my motto as well! Great ideas and yummy photos. Good luck in the competition you have another vote! :-)

  9. Great post. Just voted. Best of luck to you.

  10. Wonderful entry post and blog :) Good luck with the challenges and looking forward to seeing more from you :)

  11. Haha I love your attitude! I have a very similar mentality for food. Everything in moderation, but if I can make it healthier, then I will! I am so voting for you! if you want, you can check out my entry:

  12. Hello there,
    You have the same philosophy I do when it comes to food and cooking, which is to make something that is good for me-and then of course bump up the flavor and cut back the fat, making the recipe just happen to be good for you and taste GREAT!

    I would love you to join my cooking blog at:

    My name is Polly Motzko and it is nice to meet you.

    I did not enter in the championship here as I didn't have the TIME to invest in it.

    Paulette Le Pore Motzko
    (Polly Motzko)

  13. Thanks everyone and thank you all for the votes!! Round 2 is up now!!! woohoo!

    Polly can't wait to check your blog!!!

  14. Thanks everyone and thank you all for the votes!! Round 2 is up now!!! woohoo!

    Polly can't wait to check your blog!!!

  15. Hello there,
    You have the same philosophy I do when it comes to food and cooking, which is to make something that is good for me-and then of course bump up the flavor and cut back the fat, making the recipe just happen to be good for you and taste GREAT!

    I would love you to join my cooking blog at:

    My name is Polly Motzko and it is nice to meet you.

    I did not enter in the championship here as I didn't have the TIME to invest in it.

    Paulette Le Pore Motzko
    (Polly Motzko)

  16. Wonderful entry post and blog :) Good luck with the challenges and looking forward to seeing more from you :)

  17. Everything in moderation... it's my motto as well! Great ideas and yummy photos. Good luck in the competition you have another vote! :-)


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)