
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Foodbuzz 24x24: Fresh from the Market

9 am: We reach the market and look around for someone wearing Chef whites. We easily pick out Jeff and are greeted warmly with our mission. Pair up with two other classmates and we have $20 to spend to pick out ingredients for making a 3 course meal. Pantry staples and proteins (shrimp, beef, chicken) are available back at the kitchen. Ready Set GO!!!!

Let me give you some background first. John and I signed up for this class at the New York Wine and Culinary Center. It is offered every Saturday and we are already talking about going back with friends to do it again. Jeff the instructor was amazing, giving us ideas of what to make and telling us to talk to the farmers to get ideas. Now let me tell you about the market, it is different than many farmers markets around because it is 100% producer run, no vendors. That means you are talking directly to the farmers who cared, nurtured, and harvested what they are selling. It also means that everything is local and in season, a style of cooking Jeff takes true to heart.

We paired up with two amazing guys who were from Toronto and started brain storming straight away. We decided on making a butternut squash and leek soup.

Shrimp and fresh veggie fritada (with local brown eggs)

and my contribution (surprise surprise) MUFFINS!!!!

Can I just tell you Jeff said this was the FIRST time anyone had made muffins in the class, my guess is since there are no recipes most people can't pull muffins out of their rump... well I did... and Jeff said they tasted great and not like they came out of my rump HA! Thanks Jeff :) Seriously though, the fact that he, a professional chef tried one and liked it meant the world to me.

10:15 am: We are back to the NYWCC and Jeff gives us the rundown on where things are, and what makes for a properly stocked pantry. Cooking local doesn't mean you have to eat boiled corn every night of the week, it allows for so much variety and creativity. The four groups of four all made different things, not one repeat.

11:45 am: Time to eat. It was a whirlwind of cooking and amazing to see what everyone came up with... and getting to eat our creations... totally the best part! We all left packed full and with leftovers in tow. Here's a look at what some of our lovely classmates (Betsy and Cathy) made! Stunning... seriously their presentation put us all to shame... just look at these!!!

Now I want to tell you about the amazing collaboration that made this possible for John and I. Foodbuzz and Electrolux paired up to pay for this event. They also donated $250 towards the ovarian cancer research fund in our name!! You can get Electrolux to donate more too by going and making a banana split here, for every split made a dollar is donated towards research.

I think my event fit perfectly inline with this cause. Eating fresh local veggies may not cure you of diseases but it is going to help improve your health and keep you healthy. This challenge taught us how much healthy variety you can still have by eating a fresh in season diet.

Come back later this week for that amazing muffin recipe I made :) It used farm fresh zucchini, raspberries, and peaches!

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  1. Oh this sounds like so much fun! I'd never be able to decide to make with so many choices.

  2. This class sounds like soooo awesome! What a great way to spend a day!
    And isn't it nice to talk to the people who actually grow the food? :)

  3. Wonderful post! Sounds like you had a fantastic time! There's nothing like fresh brown eggs from the farmers' market and your muffins look fantastic.

  4. How fun! Thanks for sharing with us!

  5. Foodbuzz sponsors such great things---what a fun day!

  6. This event sounds like so much fun! Your own private Top Chef episode... ha ha. And it went to a good cause too! So great.

    Love that you were the first to make muffins!

  7. wow...look at all that fabulous food and produce!

  8. A great event and awesome food!

  9. Everything looks so good...and it just so happens that I have a butternut squash and some leeks in my kitchen....I think it just might be cool enough for soup now. Thanks for sharing :D

  10. I love the premise for this class! So fun and challenging. Everything looks delicious. You rocked the muffins! I've made tons of muffins so I think I might be able to pull a recipe out of my butt if I had tor.

  11. What a fun class. I would love to do that and shop that market. Everything looks yummy!

  12. I'm originally from Syracuse, NY, so I'm jealous of those wonderful Upstate farmer's markets. Farmer's markets in the DC Metro Area just can't compare! Have fun at that class too! It looks like it will be a lot of fun :-)

  13. What a fun class. I would love to do that and shop that market. Everything looks yummy!

  14. Everything looks so good...and it just so happens that I have a butternut squash and some leeks in my kitchen....I think it just might be cool enough for soup now. Thanks for sharing :D


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)