
Friday, March 4, 2011

Cherry Crisp - and a winner

I love cooking all types of sweets, healthy, unhealthy, vegan, bacon filled... hey, I don't like to discriminate :) The other weekend I wanted to make something super quick to bring along to John's parents, I didn't have much time at all, and I was totally out of butter (so bad for you cookies were out). I looked through my cabinets and found a can of pie filling. Lucky Leaf sent it to me awhile back and I had yet tried it. I admit I'm a "make my own pie filling" kinda girl... but I needed something fast and this was the perfect opportunity to give this a try. But the whole no butter to make pie dough was stumping me... hmmmm what about a crisp?? A vegan crisp that uses oil maybe?

To the internet!! A quick search brought this recipe up and within 5 minutes this dessert was in the oven cooking away. 30 minutes later, a tasty, not overly sweet perfect dish to bring along came out of the oven. Total life saver. So if you are in a pinch and don't have much in the house, this is a great recipe that uses mostly shelf stable staples you will find already in your kitchen :)

Now for the winner...
Congrats Mindie! I'll be emailing you to get your information and connect you with Shabby Apple Women's Dresses! Thank you everyone who entered!


  1. I haven't had a crisp in Forever! Looks sooo good!

  2. I feel like you climbed inside my brain! I JUST made cherry crisp on Wednesday with the cherries we picked last summer and stashed in the freezer. I love the butter-less topping!

  3. Love, love fruit crisps. Yours looks delightful.


  4. I feel like you climbed inside my brain! I JUST made cherry crisp on Wednesday with the cherries we picked last summer and stashed in the freezer. I love the butter-less topping!


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)