
Monday, May 23, 2011

Alfalfa Farmer

If you've been around the blog awhile you probably know I'm a sprout farmer. Yup, alfalfa, mung beans... I sprout them! It's crazy easy to do and literally costs pennies. Also the sprouts last a good week longer then the ones you buy in the store! Double bonus right?

On our trip to Vermont Val packed up some delicious hummus/feta/alfalfa/tomato sandwiches. They were AMAZING, and the day after we got back I knew I had to get to sprouting again. I changed the sandwiches up slightly though since I was in more of an avacado mood than a hummus mood, either way these things are delicious! I no joke ate one for lunch every day this week. YUM!!

Want to learn to sprout all on your own? Check out my post here from 2 summers ago that lays it all out for you!

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  1.  OMG. Sprouts are one thing I have never thought to grow. How is that possible?? I could so go for one of those right now! 

  2. I'm not a huge sprout fan, except this one kind at this local deli. They're big and crunchy but kinda look like large, uh, sperm? But I like them. Little sprouts, not as much. Growing your own must be satisfying though :)

  3. Ooo those are mung bran sprouts! You can grow those too!

  4. I grow my own sprouts too! although I've been crazy busy lately and haven't taken the time to start a new bath.  But with summer right around the corner, there is no time like the present!

  5. I'm definitely going to check out your post...I totally want to try this!


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