
Monday, May 9, 2011

Pumpkin Garlic Knots - vegan

Heaven. That is what these things are, pure, heaven. I've had these pumpkin garlic knots bookmarked for what seems like a year now. I first saw them on (never home)maker and knew I had to make them... what took me so long to actually do it?? I have no idea.. but all I know is I'll be making them again soon for sure. Hmmmm actually maybe I'll bring them to the potluck I'll be heading to in VT next weekend... hmmmmmmm

ready to go into the oven

I made these to go along with dinner last night for Mother's Day. We had John's parents over (we would have had mine over too.. but they live out of state *sad face* ). On the menu along with these were a mustard BBQ pork tenderloin, roasted root veggies, asparagus, and a chocolate cake for dessert. (and for those of you who caught that... John didn't eat the pork, I made him cashew chicken chili instead, yup I'm a good woman to him)

I am totally smitten for this recipe and I think you will be too. Next time I'm going to sub 1/2 whole wheat, will let you know how it goes! As written these are amazingly buttery (without butter!) and so very tender. Love love love love love. (I may have eaten 4... ok I'm lying.. 5 last night - I know that goes against the moderation thing... but hell they are THAT good)

Pumpkin garlic knots
recipe by (never home)maker

What you'll need . . .

* 1 cup warm water
* 1 envelope active dry yeast
* 2 tablespoon agave nectar
* 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 1-1/2 teaspoons coarse kosher salt
* 3-1/2 cups unbleached bread flour (I used King Arthur)

First, you'll need to make the dough: (for step by step pics, head on over to their recipe here)

Pour the warm water into a medium bowl and whisk in the yeast. Let sit until frothy -- about 10 minutes. Then add your agave nectar, olive oil, and pumpkin -- whisk until smooth.

Whisk together the flour and salt in a large bowl. With you fist, make an impression in the center -- a "bowl" that's big enough to pour your wet ingredients into. Then pour in your wet ingredients.

Start pulling everything together with a spatula. When you can no longer mix, use your hands to start kneading the dough. Keep kneading -- and adding more flour as necessary -- until you have a ball that's elastic, but not sticky.

Lightly oil another large bowl and put your dough ball inside it -- flipping over once to coat both sides (again -- lightly) with oil. Cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap and let rise for 2 hours. Once the dough has risen, preheat your oven to 425 degrees F, put in a pizza stone (you may use a pan, too, but it works best with a stone), and divide the dough into two equal pieces. If you're planning to use the other half the next day, just put it in a large Zip-Lock bag and store in the fridge. You may also freeze the dough for up to three weeks.

To create the garlic knots -- just take off sections of dough (about the size of two tablespoons, if that makes sense) and roll them into a snake shape. Then tie that snake in a knot. Set aside and continue with the rest of the dough. Once you've made all your knots, put them on your stone (or on your pan) and let bake until golden brown on the tops (anywhere between 10 and 15 -- or more -- minutes, depending on how big your knots are).

While you're waiting, in a large bowl mix together 1/3 cup olive oil with 3 to 5 cloves of minced garlic . . . as well as some salt, pepper -- and if you're feeling cheesy, Parmesan or nutritional yeast -- to taste. There's really no right or wrong mixture, just what you like. Feel free to taste test. When the knots are done, dump them into the bowl and mix well to coat. (I just used a drizzle of olive oil, no where near 1/3 of a cup)

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  1. Those look SOOO good. You should totally take those to VT! You will be the hit of the party.

  2. Seriously my new favorite dinner roll... ok every part of the day roll. (I
    brought 3 with me to work today... is that bad??)

  3. I've been dying to make garlic knots for so long! These sound fantastic, and I love the pretty color that the pumpkin gives them!

  4. Of course it's bad! What if you want to share with coworkers?? You should have brought 5! or 7!

  5. And the pumpkin made them so tender, ok I might need to go eat one now
    instead of waiting till lunch time. hehe. They were delicious!

  6. LOL but you forget, my office consists of me and 3 other ladies. 1 is gluten
    free, and 1 is a vegan who doesn't eat bread! So I'm still ok :D

  7. Mmmm, I had forgotten about this recipe! They look so yummy. I'd be really curious to see if some whole wheat flour will work. I still really need to try them :)

  8. made the non-vegan version of these and loooooooooved them!

  9. I do not usually eat vegan but I would love to give this a try. It sounds and looks amazing!

  10. They are super tasty! I'm sure you would love them :)

  11. I love all things pumpkin! Strangely enough, I can't remember ever putting pumpkin and garlic together, but I definitely think they'd complement each other quite well--and I looove garlic bread :)

  12. These look great! I love baking bread and this looks like a fantastic combo.

  13. hi!!! you WON the Seedling Design giveaway:)
    email me sheena jibson at gmail for details!

  14. Pumpkin! It makes me sad when pumpkin is banished only to the chilly seasons... I love incorporating it into springtime and summer. These look SO good. And only 2 Tb of oil?! Not bad. Eat 6.

  15. Those look delicious! These are going on my list of "things to make"!

  16. In all truth you don't taste the pumpkin so much, it just lends to an
    amazing texture! But I agree I LOVE pumpkin!

  17. I've always loved garlic knots, but I never would have thought to add pumpkin! Such an interesting idea...and a yummy one!

  18. These sound soooooo good. I love pumpkin anything but for some reason I usually only eat it in the fall! I'll have to remedy that!


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)