
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jam Jam Jam

First things first. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful nephew Walton who turns 3 today!! Go Walton go!! If he's lucky he might get a baby sister for his birthday, my sister is ready to pop any day now!!
Screen shot 2011-09-20 at 4.08.24 PM
Back to the chow... You all know I'm in love with all things jam, so I was super excited when Foodiacs decided to showcase Sallie's jams as our next product!! Sure she has traditional jam flavors but check out her amazing herb infused jams!

Image taken by Chris Hornaday

You'll get 3 jars total. 2 of her brand new fig herb jam varieties, and one jam of your choosing! Go check it out!

Now don't worry and think I'm going to be announcing every Foodiacs product here, this was just a perfect tie in as I've been gathering up what everyone sent and received for our annual jam exchange for the roundup post! You still have time to email me what you sent or received during the exchange, so hit me up people! I hope you all had a great time and if you had any issues please let me know! Actually I'm going to send out a survey to you all to see what you thought and if there is anything I can improve next year! So keep a look out for it :)
Image taken by Chris Hornaday

Your email will never be displayed publicly, so don't be scared to comment! :)Oh and make sure you type in your blog link so I can click over to you! There is a spot you can type it in.


  1. The exchange was amazing - thank you so much for hosting it! I just put a post up today about it: 
    Thanks again!

    Pam @ From Apples To Zucchini

  2. Fabulous! Thanks again for joining! I'm so glad you had a good time!

  3. Thanks so much for organizing the jam exchange. It was SO much fun. I got some awesome jam!! Already looking forward to next year! And a cookie exchange at Christmas...?

  4. So fun! <3 Foodiacs. :-) Also, I never got any jam from my partner, so that's why I haven't written about it. :-(

  5. I'll have to see if ppl are interested but maybe we will have to again! :)

  6. Gah! Oh no! Let me send them an email and see if they respond... what's up with the not sending jam! not cool!

  7. Really pretty pictures of that jam. Looks so good.

  8. What a fun idea...and healthy twist to jams! We made organic strawberry jam delicious!

  9. I know I love it! Tastepotting did not love it though LOL. Sometimes I really wonder about that site :D

  10. mmm gotta love strawberry jam! Especially when you pick your own fruit! And organic is another great bonus!

  11. I never got any jam from my partner either. :-(
    One of the ones that I sent her was my "Peach Bourbon Jam w/Vanilla"
    I sell my jams also.

  12. If anyone would like to do a belated jam exchange with me, I'd so appreciate it.
    I was really disappointed to not receive any jams back from my partner.

  13. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that a few people didn't get any jam sent to them during the exchange. If anyone out there would like to do an exchange, please contact me and I'll set you guys up!

  14. Maybe you can pair me up with Tracy who posted that she didn't receive any either?

  15. Just did an update on Tracey's comment, she did get her jam, there was just a little confusion on the deadline date, so she got it, just a little late :) So she's all set and happy! There were a bunch of people who got the deadline wrong or were just late, so a bunch of ppl thought they weren't getting jam but then after some emails things were cleared up and the jams showed up!

  16. Oh I the only one that did not get any jam?
    In any case, I would still like to partner up with someone and do a belated exchange......

  17. "Hey Katie, That's too bad that you didn't get any jam sent back to you in the exchange. I know how sad it can be when you are expecting something fun in the exchange. :( It happened to me in my first exchange too. It was a round robin so you sent cookies to one person and were supposed to get them back from someone else. So I sent my cookies off ... and never got anything in the mail from my mystery sender. Sad. But whatever, right? It's not like I really needed those extra calories around Christmas!! Plus, I found a fun new blog that I still love 4 years later, and eventually found a new BFF!! I'm sorry you didn't get anything back, but don't let this harden you against exchanges. It's all just for fun, and community, right?"

  18. I'd still like to do a belated jam exchange with someone. Maybe there is someone else who also did not receive any jams in return?


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)