
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Last minute Halloween

Got a party to hit up this weekend? Hate to dress up? I've got just the thing for you... and it only takes a few hours to crochet up.
Seriously adorable right? (not me, the hat) Best news is the pattern is free! Just head over here and you can print out a handy dandy PDF. If you are making this for yourself you'll just need to increase a few extra rows until it's big enough to fit your melon (exhibit A above).
For the ladies grab some yellow yarn and attach some kick butt braids to the sides. Instant Helga the viking!

I actually made this last year for a gift, the little boy refused to wear any other hat last winter except this one... for that reason his parents were a little worried when they realized said hat got lost when they moved this summer. Don't worry, Auntie Steph will whip up a new one, just in time for his birthday, and for the days to start getting crisp.

PS. I'm participating in a Halloween bake sale this Sunday over at Running Ricig. All money raised goes to an amazing organization so make sure to stop by and bid on my boozy smore fudge!!

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  1. I think it's charming!  I'd like to do one in infant size for the grandchild on the way.  I love the pics I see of newborns wearing crocheted caps of all kinds.

  2. I think you need one to run in :) ooo and Mike and Chaz too, you could all match :D

  3. I'm sure if you follow that pattern but stop increasing sooner than it says it would fit an infant :)

  4. Oh my goodness, this is the cutest thing ever!!! If only I knew how to crochet I'd totally make one. Love it!

  5. Thanks so much! can't wait to check out your blog for more ideas!


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