
Monday, November 7, 2011

I got nothing

This weekend was filled with lots of stuff around the house, insulating things, raking leaves, painting a room over at John's parents house. There was also lots of baking and cooking, french toast, pumpkin bread, cookies, fudge, pumpkin rice crispy bars... ok maybe that was almost all baking and not so much cooking...

I bet you want to see pictures and recipes huh? Well with all the other things going on I didn't take any pictures yet... and this whole getting dark at 5pm thing really just isn't cool at all. So I will take pictures in the morning before work... but you'll just have to wait a bit before you see them :)

Man I can't bring myself to not having ANY pictures... so I will go steal some from pinterst... gotta love that site. ooo pretty I totally wouldn't have the patients to make that.. you?

What did you all bake this weekend? Anything especially good? Any tragedies?

PS I'm doing a guest post over at Bow meets Girl! Check it out!

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  1. I didn't really take any pictures this weekend either. What sad bloggers we are.

  2. LOL yeah we rock that way :) sometimes a girl just need a break! :)

  3. Say whaaa? That cake is insane! I think that if I ever made it I wouldn't want anyone to eat it cos it would take so long to make! 

  4. I baked pies all weekend for the pie week I'm going to do on my blog next week. Super fun! Also, love that cake, it's so festive!

  5. OOO pie week!! I can't wait!! LOL I know that cake is crazy! Could you even imagine assembling it!? I would totally knock it over :)

  6. the early darkness is killing me--i definitely photographed 2 recipes before work today...looks like that'll be the new thing for the next few months!

  7. Oh isn't it the worst! It's so much nicer in the summer when it's light out until 9 :)

  8. Um, wow... That is the holiday cake of my dreams! Talk about inspiring!


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)