
Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekend Fun

First things first, the winner of the winter cowl giveaway, picked by is.... Tracy of Sugarcrafter! Conveniently enough she's another Rochester area blogger, looks like we'll have to get together for lunch so I can give her the cowl once I make it! What color would you like Tracy?? :)

How was everyone's weekends? Mine was fabulous! I got to hang out with Amanda from A Bow Meets Girl, we went and shot some targets and then headed out for lunch where I taught her how to make aforementioned winter cowl! She was a natural at it and picked it up super quick! Who knew there was another cool girl out there who likes to shoot bows AND crochet! So much fun :) Had I been smart I would have brought my camera to document said fun!
Guess you'll just have to deal with this snow picture instead. Rochester had its first snow of the season on Friday... crazy since it's half way through January! Sure was pretty though... gotta love catching fresh snow with the morning sunlight.... ummm I mean... cloudy snowy muted light?

What random hobbies do you have? Have you met up with other local area bloggers before? Or do you think it's weird? Has it snowed by you yet?

Your email will never be displayed publicly, so don't be scared to comment! :) Oh and make sure you type in your blog link so I can click over to you! There is a spot you can type it in.


  1. That was soo much fun! The cowl is coming on the plane with me this week so I can work on it!

  2. So much fun! We'll have to do it again soon for sure! :)

  3. Nothing weird about meeting other bloggers at all- I wish there were more in my neck of the woods! Being behind the computer screen all the time is rather lonely, so why not go and hang out with the people you already relate to/chat with? :) This sounds like a fun day!

  4. this blog post remind me my last and most enjoyable weekend
    keep writing such posts


  5. YAY, I won!!! I think I like the cream color the best. So excited and yes let's get together for lunch soon!! :-D


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)