
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Birthday Wishes

Yesterday was John's birthday! (he wasn't born on a leap year so no chance of being a leap baby) Happy Day after your Birthday husband!! We celebrated this past weekend by going on lots of family time runs/hikes with Hobbes. We had a blast :) And Hobbes ended up looking like a gigantic snow ball.

What's your favorite way to celebrate your birthday? We went out for a nice dinner last night and I'm planning on cooking up a storm this weekend to keep the celebration going!

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  1. Um. The best way to celebrate a summer birthday is by camping. Obviously. Well, and eating yummy cake type things.

  2. I'm SOOOO excited!! And it's like ~6months away!! It's gonna be super fun.
    (oh and happy birthday John)

  3. happy birthday to john! sounds like he'll be spoiled this week :)

  4. Happy birthday to John! Sounds like a fun weekend! :-)

  5. Awe, happy birthday to John!!  I am actually a leap baby, haha!  But since I usually celebrate on the 28th, I feel like John and I would totally be friends - kinda birthday buddies, haha!  Hobbes is so adorable.


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)