
Monday, April 2, 2012

Cookie experiments

This is what happens when you aren't paying attention and use a half cup measuring cup instead of a 1/4 cup for BOTH the white and brown sugar... whooops! (nothing like doubling the sugar to mess up a recipe...)
What's your worst cookie FAIL and did you still bring them somewhere? I was making these to bring somewhere.. since they still tasted delicious and just looked horrible I brought them anyway. I just broke them up into chunks and called it cookie brittle, disaster averted! (don't worry I also baked up some cinnamon twists to bring and those came out fabulous! Recipe to come later in the week!)

In case you missed Hobbes, here's a quick fix of her cuteness. (she's looking at me like woman why are you bothering me, can't you see I'm trying to eat my bone here)

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  1. Hobbes is sooooooo cute!

  2. my first time trying to make french macaroons, instead of having a sheet full of individual nice little cookies, i ended up with one very thin sheet of chocolate crisp.  still not sure what i did wrong, but am still afraid to try making macaroons again!

  3. I say you totally have to try again! I bet your crisp was still delicious though :)

  4. it really was!  and actually i broke it into pieces and threw it in a baggie, plannin on using it for something, but it got an awesome, super chewy texture the next day that i really enjoyed.  turned out to be a mistake i loved, but now i dont know how to make them right OR duplicate my "mistake!"

  5. Wait, you're calling this a fail? These cookies look amazing! Seriously, I'd still eat them without a second thought.

  6. Mmm cookie brittle, yum! And I <3 Hobbes; she's SO cute. More pictures please! ;-)

  7. Hi, first time on your blog.
    And the very first time I made cookies, I made more of a cookie batter instead of cookie dough and they all spread out & stuck to each other.  Haha, learned the difference.

  8. Hey as long as we learn from our failures it's all good :) Thanks for visiting!


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