
Monday, June 25, 2012

Big Breakfast, Little Biscuit! - Giveaway

Move over kids, frosted mini-wheats aren't just to power you through your school days, they are here to power me through my workday! I think Kellog's realized they were pigeonholing themselves with their marketing recently, branding their tasty mini-wheats to the kids table. Sure they are a healthy easy breakfast for the school kids, but why not for us adults too? Bring on the adult power food!

Did You Know?
Mini-Wheats contains eight layers of whole grains and fiber, along with five grams of protein
Mini-Wheats provides 96 percent of the Dietary Guidelines recommended amount of whole grains
This cereal can stack up nutritionally against big breakfasts such as steel cut oats or even eggs and toast – see below comparison chart for more (ok this one kinda surprised me, who knew!?)

I think the most important factor here though is they taste delicious! No cardboard in a bowl for me. And if you ask me, these aren't just for breakfast, I use them by the handful as a snack, or as a sweet midnight snack that's not going to undo my workout from earlier in the day.
Check out the sweet bathrobe and slippers, you know you want to win your own set.

To celebrate this BIG breakfast, Kellog's is letting me give away a BIG giveaway to one of my awesome readers.
Box of Mini-Wheats
BIG Bathrobe
BIG Slippers

Want to win? Simply comment here and tell me what you need a big bowl of mini-wheats to power you through? I need them to get through my favorite lunch time kettle bell class! To enter you must live in the US (sorry international peeps), and comment by June 30th at midnight. Full Kellog's legal rules here.

Kellog's provided me with the products, however the opinions are all mine. Plus I'm super excited they reminded me how much I liked this cereal, I haven't bought it in years, but now it's back on the grocery list! ANNND I now walk around the house looking like a big fluffy marshmallow!

Your email will never be displayed publicly, so don't be scared to comment! :) Oh and make sure you type in your blog link so I can click over to you! There is a spot you can type it in.


  1. I could use a big bowl today to power me through a long day of traveling (and mostly likely being delayed forever...)

  2. Lunch time kettle bell class?! I wish! That would be so fun. It'd definitely power me through the Asylum workouts! This is my mom's favorite cereal.. she's eaten it every single day since I was really little, haha!

  3. Hehe I haven't had them in YEARS but I really should get back into breakfast... Powering me through work until lunchtime would be what I need them for!

  4. natalie@thesweetslifeJune 25, 2012 at 1:47 PM

    we've traveled 3 out of the last 4 weekends so i am EXHAUSTED. need me some powerful cereal :)

  5. I need a big bowl of mini-wheats to power me through my marathon furniture rearranging sessions.

  6. My full days of work! They really are so filling and hearty, and taste great in milk or plain,

  7. I need them to help me get through the first part of my day of work.

  8. I love all 3 of those things- I spend a lot of time wearing my robe in the house, even over my clothes during the winter because it's so darn cozy. And frosted mini wheats are great, thrown in with some raisins or craisins as a snack at work- that 2:30pm slump could use some Mini-Wheats!

  9. I could use it to help me keep up with my grandkids.

  10. I need it to get through my runs! It's a great snack after work, but before dinner when I go for my daily runs.


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)