Hi! long time no see :) Not that most of you notice, ok mom/dad/aunt sandy/ you all noticed. But that's about it. I've been out and about on adventures lately, so that means not a lot of baking has been done. Sure I made some coconut blueberry muffins while visiting the parents, but for the most part I spent the trip enjoying my time with them, and of course taking pictures.
Some people are sad when they are on vacation and have cloudy days, I kinda love them for the simple fact of fabulous sky backdrops. I mean how boring would some of those shots be with a simple blue sky? Snoozefest right? I'm especially fond of the Jefferson Memorial shot, stepping back and zooming out on your subject can lend to a much more impactful photo then a simple full frame closeup of your subject. Always have fun and change your vantage point from where you are shooting, those tend to be my favorite and most interesting shots.
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GORGEOUS pics from DC!