
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Raspberries, Blueberries and Apricots oh my!

Just look at that color!! Beth and I went raspberry picking last Friday (yes we took off work to go pick berries and make jam). We went up to Green Acre Farms in Greece NY. (The farm has a pretty large store if you don't feel like picking your own and just want to drive up and buy some.) Right now they are picking blueberries, raspberries, and apricots. We picked them all! (this is also the farm I went to to pick strawberries earlier this year)

Raspberry jam is one of the easiest to make if you ask me. No pitting, pealing, or chopping. All you do it put them all in a big bowl and mash them a bit with a potato masher (or your hands). FYI: This is not a low sugar version.
  • Using a large pot, stirring constantly, heat 6 cups mashed berries over medium high heat until they reach a full rolling boil (bubbles still happen even as you stir)
  • Boil 2 minutes (keep stirring)
  • Add 6 cups sugar
  • Keep stirring constantly
  • Bring back to a boil, stirring constantly (did I say this enough), boil for 2 more minutes.
  • Remove from heat
  • Pour in sterilized jars and seal with lids and rings
  • Place into boiling water for 10 minutes (use your jar tongs don't just drop them in)
  • Remove from water and let cool overnight, do not bump them while they cool

Next up... apricot jam
mmmmmm jam mmmmmmmmm


  1. Of all jams and/or jellies, raspberry is my favorite. I don't can but I'm guessing this would work well in the freezer too?

  2. That on some wheat toast would be heaven!

  3. Oh my indeed! Are any of these being sent out for the jam exchange? I may just have to see if I can still get raspberries here and make some myself.

  4. I'd definitely take a Friday off to go pick berries. Sounds great!
    And the jam looks fabulous.

  5. Mmm, what a killer combo of fruits!

  6. I got your jam!!! YUM, It is SO GOOD!!!

    Right now I am baking a Banana Cream Cheese Loaf with a Triple Berry Swirl, using your jam! I'll blog about it soon :)

    What is the darker orange kind? Apricot? I swear I can taste pumpkin.

  7. Wow - very nicely done!!! I really wanted to make some jam with the blueberries in my garden, but we don't eat much Jam at all!

  8. Those pictures scream summer!!

    You do make raspberry jam sound easier than I thought! My grandmother makes homemade jam as well; nothing like it!

  9. Hi, Looks great, Steph! I have never made jam without using a box of pectin, but I think I need to stop playing it so safe and do that sometime! That's funny you took off work to pick berries and make jam...I pretty much did that, too about 20 years ago(well,that and to have and take care of children)...and I haven't been back since!!
    Peace, Stephanie

  10. Ooh that jam looks great! I should go blueberry picking again and make blueberry jam :)

  11. You are cooking up a jam storm over there! These look so yummy!

  12. Looks great, and sounds easy enough! Thanks for sharing!

  13. That raspberry jam looks lovely! I'm so glad you left the seeds in... raspberry jam with seeds is my favorite! I always use it for PB&J sandwiches in place of grape jelly (or any other jam or jelly for that matter).

  14. Mags- I don't see why this wouldn't work for freezer jam! I say go for it! Raspberry was my favorite... but now that I've made apricot... I think it took first place!

    glad you are all liking this one!

    Natalie- mmmm can't wait to see it! Actually your jam is from my room mate steph! I paired her with you since I knew you'd love the flavors she was planning on making :)

    Krissy and Anne- I've never made blueberry jam... I need to try it though! I bet it would be good!

    Sarah- so true! 100% summer time :)

    Stephanie- I've done both, with raspberries they have enough natural pectin that it's all good... strawberry without any added lemon or a pack of pectin... a bit soupy but darn tasty!

    Renni- I know it seems i've switched from muffins to jam LOL

    Megan- seeds all the way! I like them... plus the time to strain them out... so not worth it LOL

  15. your jam looks SO pretty. Raspberry jam has been my favorite since childhood and this just makes me think of all the panckakes and oatmeals that will come to life thanks to the jam :)


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)