
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ergo Chef Knife review

So I got an email the other day from the people of CSN stores. They have over 200 websites, one of them being They asked if I'd like to do a review of one of their many offered products and I was happy to agree :)

You could easily spend hours on that one site alone... not even counting the 200 sites they have! (one being all dedicated to bar stools) After some serious searching and a little internet research I decided on an Ergo Knife. Check out the angle of the handle! Don't you hate when you are chopping away and bang your knuckles on the counter?? Or is that just me being clumsy??? Well problem solved with this knife! It's super comfortable and your hand doesn't get tired from excessive chopping. If you want to buy one you can find it here.

The blade was also super crazy sharp... like so amazingly sharp I had a feeling if I tried to chop an appendage off... it would have cut through like butter! Good thing CSN also sent me this great knife guard! Super handy!

I kept exclaiming out loud how sharp it was, John came wondering in and was like "let me take a look at this thing" next thing I knew he was chopping all of that nights dinner ingredients up for me, score! So if nothing else this knife will get you some extra help in the kitchen since it's so fun to use :D

The other great thing that came out of this is this past weekend John and I were looking online for a mirror to buy for a wall in our new house. We found this one a department store on sale for $60... but after shipping and tax it was over $80... a quick search via google and I found the same mirror at Accent Furniture Direct for $55 with free shipping! Now I'm always a little skeptical of random websites... but then I saw up in the corner that this was a CSN store!!! NOWAY! What are the chances of that? Well once I saw that I felt confident in ordering and we should be getting our mirror any day now! Woohoo! And we saved almost $30! (I'm telling you this out of pure coincidence, nothing from them telling me to promote their other sites or anything like that... just a crazy coincidence that made me happy and I wanted to share) Here's the link to the mirror if you want it.


  1. That's a really cool mirror! BTW, I have the same problem with knives too so it's not just you!

  2. I fixed my problem of banging knuckles and potentially slicing fingers off: the hubby is my sous chef and does all my chopping for me! Does that make me a bad wife that I'd rather risk his fingers then my own? I swear it's because I have an extreme phobia of doing just that or I really would chop my own stuff.

  3. Love the mirror. Jealous of the knife. Have a good knife is so key.

  4. That knife looks awesome! I'm rather terrified of super sharp knives ... even though I know that dull ones are more dangerous. It does look like it would make chopping fun and the guard is a definite must have.

    Way to go on finding the mirror ... what a fun coincidence. Its gorgeous!

  5. Very cool mirror! And I hate when I have to use a knife that makes me bang my knuckles against the counter!

  6. Working knives is one of the best parts of being in the kitchen. The bigger, the better! No fear at all. That Ergo knife looks pretty comfortable and easy to hold, and of course, it's super sharp. Love that.

  7. That knife looks awesome! I'm rather terrified of super sharp knives ... even though I know that dull ones are more dangerous. It does look like it would make chopping fun and the guard is a definite must have.

    Way to go on finding the mirror ... what a fun coincidence. Its gorgeous!

  8. I love the mirror. Good find!


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