
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chandeliers and baking

Everyone has different tastes... and as the years go by... tastes change... I've never been much of a gold fan... so this bad boy... was the first thing to go in the new house.

Some may say "oh steph but why it's retro cool, I love it" if that's the case you can buy it... I'll be putting it up on criags list later this week ;)

John and I are more of a brushed silver kind of folk... so we now have this guy hanging in our atm empty dining room.

MUCH better if you ask me :) Now what does this have to do with chowing?? I'll tell you... we were having some electrical issues... wait why are there ONLY black wires coming out of the wall... where are the white ones... a quick call to one of John's buddies and in a jiffy he was over FULL TOOL BELT in hand. It was awesome :) Anyway... you gotta thank a guy for his help right??

Enter in a raspberry and blueberry loaf, and a 6 pack of Guinness. Thanks again Andy, YOU ROCK!!!! His exact words about the loaf "Super healthy loaf is too good to be healthy" LOL

For the loaf recipe head over to my here.

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  1. I probably would have gotten rid of the first chandelier too..I like more modern pieces. Love the one you ended up with!

  2. love the new one!
    And you definitely have to thank a guy who is that nice!

  3. I am not a fan of the gold either - the new one looks great. The loaf looks tasty too.

  4. Love the new light fixture, and thank goodness for talented friends, right?

  5. I'm anti-gold myself. Love the new fixture! :)

  6. LOL! We moved last summer and I can't wait to get rid our our ugly chandelier! You and I are *so* on the same page!

  7. I love raspberries! Yum. I've got to try this one. Thanks for making it healthier!


  8. Love, LOVE your new chandelier, Steph. Its gorgeous!

    Your old one reminds of the light that's in my parents dining room. They moved into their new house like 5 years ago and that god-awful light is *still* there! Good for you for getting rid of yours so quick! LOL

    And, aw, what a nice thank you treat. I'm sure it was much appreciated.

  9. Isn't is fun making your own changes to your first home. I also LOVE the new chandelier but as well as I know my hubby, he'd have said "That other one is good enough!"

  10. blech... to the old fixture. *thumbs up* to the new one.

    loaf looks incredible!

  11. Oh, we picked an almost the same chandelier for our current house, everything is the same, just the shape of the lamps are a little different. Definitely the right choice :)

  12. Yum, this is on my "must bake" list! Love the new mod chandelier!

  13. Love, LOVE your new chandelier, Steph. Its gorgeous!

    Your old one reminds of the light that's in my parents dining room. They moved into their new house like 5 years ago and that god-awful light is *still* there! Good for you for getting rid of yours so quick! LOL

    And, aw, what a nice thank you treat. I'm sure it was much appreciated.


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)