
Monday, March 1, 2010


My good friend Matt and I have been chowing buddies for over 10 years now. We met by fate setting us both to live on the same dorm room floor our freshman year of collage. Since our first meeting it has taken Matt about 9 years to finally remember that I am NOT a vegetarian... yup that's right... going out to eat together almost weekly for 9 years... and it still surprised him every time I ordered meat LOL. Love you Matt no hate here at all :D

This past weekend we ventured out for a saturday breakfast at a local crepe place... I'd love to tell you how amazing they were... but I'd be lying. Overly chewy in texture and lacking any more flavor than a very large glug of vanilla, they left me wishing for more.

Luckily there was plenty of snow to distract us and we went for a nice walk along the canal after breakfast... guess you can't win them all.

We also made some new friends along our walk

Although we soon realized they were only coming to say hi because they thought we had food, feeling horrible to tease them with nothing we quickly made our way down the canal.

How were your weekends?? I have some tasty and not so tasty treats to share with you :)

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  1. I love that picture with the ducks!

  2. Are you talking about "The simply Crepes"? I love their crepes.

    The snow we got over the weekend was really enormous. Now you have more work to do to convince your mom to move up here. :-)

    The pictures you took are beautiful!

  3. Beautiful pictures, Steph! I'm sorry the crepes let you down though. No doubt you could do better yourself! We love making crepes, especially for dinner. Its been awhile and you remind me its time to get out the crepe pan.

    Aw, the little duckies are so cute. :)

  4. The ducks were like little ice breakers on the water :)

    It was... but I didn't want to mention the name to bash them. I've heard lots of good things about the place but I don't think I'd ever go back due to the experience. Oh and no way will my parents move up here LOL

    Crepes for dinner are my favorite! I think I'll be making some tonight :)

  5. Sorry for your not-very pleasant experience there. I did not enjoy the breakfast there that much, but the entrees there are much better.

  6. I actually went to a French bistro on Saturday with my Mom and daughter - they both got crepes and they were amazing! Although my quiche was good too - except the plate came with tomato sauce on the bottom - wasn't expecting that for Quiche Lorraine, but it was good!

  7. The ducks are precious. It's so pretty with the snow, something I never get.
    Sorry yhe crepes didnt stand up to your expectations. I hate when that happens.

  8. I went to a crepe place the other day and was also very disappointed. I think I'm a bit of a crepe snob, but I can't help that I want the crepes France style with ingredients practically falling out all over the place. Love the pictures though! I'd never even know the crepe was bad by how great it looks there!

  9. What delicious looking crepes! I tend to only make them sweet, but thanks for reminding me that they have plenty of savory potential, too.

  10. The ducks are precious. It's so pretty with the snow, something I never get.
    Sorry yhe crepes didnt stand up to your expectations. I hate when that happens.

  11. I actually went to a French bistro on Saturday with my Mom and daughter - they both got crepes and they were amazing! Although my quiche was good too - except the plate came with tomato sauce on the bottom - wasn't expecting that for Quiche Lorraine, but it was good!

  12. The ducks were like little ice breakers on the water :)

    It was... but I didn't want to mention the name to bash them. I've heard lots of good things about the place but I don't think I'd ever go back due to the experience. Oh and no way will my parents move up here LOL

    Crepes for dinner are my favorite! I think I'll be making some tonight :)

  13. I love that picture with the ducks!


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