
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Butterscotch Blondies

These are NOT healthy... I repeat... NOT HEALTHY :) These are dense buttery sugary bars spiked with butterscotch chips. I made them for our wonderful snow blowing neighbor who keeps John's walks and driveway cleared out of the kindness of his heart. He LOVED these bad boys.

I found the recipe over at SugarLaws. The only change I made was to add the butterscotch chips. Ready... set... chow!!!

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  1. YUM!!!! Im loving the butterscotch chips in them!

  2. Omg, butterscotch blondies are Zach's favorite - I can't wait to fix these for him! Thank you for the gorgeous recipe!! :-)

  3. These are always one of my favorite baked goods. Soft, chewy and butterscotchy!

  4. oh, i bet these are great with butterscotch chips! also, so sad about the crepes -- they looked like they'd be great!

  5. As soon as I saw "not healthy" in my Google Reader, I clicked right over here! Ha ha. I love blondies. They look so good... I'm wishing I had one right now!

  6. Ok seriously? The world is against me. I came to visit your blog for some healthy recipes and you sabotage me with this...? Nooooo! Now I have to make them. I just have to. Damn you.

  7. Yummy blondies! They sound wonderful with butterscotch chips!

  8. I think its funny that you and I both feel the need to qualify when something is *not* healthy! Everything in moderation ... though it might be hard to be moderate where these yummy looking blondies are concerned. ;)

    So lovely of you to treat your neighbor. Nice!

    I'm off to vote for you, that picture is so cool.

  9. CB- too funny! you have to pick the unhealthy day to come visit don't you! LOL

    Diva- it's all in moderation... but I don't want peeps thinking I'm trying to say these are healthy LOL

  10. These look so scrumptious! I'll snow blow your walks for some of these yummy treats!

  11. Nice thing to do for a nice neighbour. :)

  12. Ok seriously? The world is against me. I came to visit your blog for some healthy recipes and you sabotage me with this...? Nooooo! Now I have to make them. I just have to. Damn you.


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