
Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Tiramisu... a wonderful dessert... I had high hopes for you tiramisu... but you turned into a Tira-misery-su. I wont say where this recipe came from... but it was a cookbook that other amazing recipes have been made from so I was certain this would also be tasty... oh how sad the conclusion was. It was John's birthday sunday and I made this to celebrate. A skinny version of the decadent treat... one bite and the look on John's face said it all, "this tastes horrible... I know I've never said that but... this is seriously the worst thing I've ever eaten"

The parfait was totally lacking in sweetness, and the chocolate layers had not a hint of chocolate flavor... as for that strong brewed coffee?? really there is coffee in here?

*sigh* guess you can't win them all right! I'm just glad it wasn't something I made up... now THAT would have been embarrassing.

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  1. It's always disappointing when you have high hopes for something and it just doesn't turn out. I'm wondering what the recipe consisted of... looks like maybe chocolate pudding? While I commend you for always putting a healthy spin on things, tiramisu might be one of those desserts that just needs that little bit of fat... from the mascarpone cheese! And did you soak the lady fingers (or whatever the biscuit layer was) in coffee? That will really give you the coffee flavor you're looking for. I can't wait to see how it comes out on your next try. ;o)

  2. Megan you are so right on with this one. I'm going to try to lighten it on my own but this recipe was a total flop! It used biscotti instead of lady fingers and you just drizzled coffee over them... first mistake. There was a chocolate layer you made with milk, corn starch and coco on the stove, and the "cream" layer was cottage cheese, apple sauce... and some other things... all around NASTY!!! it was sour... not sweet BLEH!!

  3. Oh no! Such a shame when a recipe disappoints. Bah! I will say that your picture looks yummy, Steph. But I'm sorry it broke your hearts. :(

  4. sad day! I made a similar, healthy version of a sweet treat, and my husband was disappointed as well.

  5. bummer!! My brother in law recently gave me a tiramisu recipe and i've been too chicken to of these days...

  6. omg that is such a sad story -- but this kind of thing happens to everyone

  7. Poop. It looks so pretty. Maybe you could try this recipe sometime:

    I haven't actually made this recipe, but it looks soooo yummy. :)

  8. Ah, at least the photo looks good and it has a good name 'Tira-misery-su' haha!

    What did it actually taste of though?

    I feel your pain of the disappointment! I hate it when recipes go wrong.

    Hungry Jenny x

  9. Oh no that's so sad it didn't turn out well!! It looked so good and promising!! I LOVE tiramisu so I got really excited hehe :)

  10. we all find bad recipes every now and then :) as for the taste... totally sour and not at all sweet... the cottage cheese was wicked strong and overpowering!

    ok beeramisu vanessa?? AWESOME! lol

  11. Oh no that's so sad it didn't turn out well!! It looked so good and promising!! I LOVE tiramisu so I got really excited hehe :)

    (Oops sorry that was me before- I got to excited and hit publish before I typed my name!

  12. I think Tiramisu just HAS to be wicked!
    Pity, but there it is!

  13. Oh no! How disappointing! It certainly looks good, though.

  14. Hmmm, this doesn't look much like tiramisu with the pudding looking layer - but at least you didn't make it up! Don't feel bad, I've actually had bad tiramisu in Italy - the restaurant blended everything together into a mousse...didn't work that time. I'm still waiting for my protein post! I bought some today, couldn't wait. Hemp protein...hope it's decent!

  15. That's too bad! Maybe the full fat version is worth it. :)

  16. Hi Steph,
    If you want a "healthier" version of tiramsu, try out this recipe:
    It's made with ricotta and light cream cheese. The ladyfingers are still there. I've made it countless times and I always get asked the recipe.
    Who knows, you may like it :)

  17. Jenn thanks so much for the link I'll have to give it a try!!

  18. Hi Steph,
    If you want a "healthier" version of tiramsu, try out this recipe:
    It's made with ricotta and light cream cheese. The ladyfingers are still there. I've made it countless times and I always get asked the recipe.
    Who knows, you may like it :)

  19. sad day! I made a similar, healthy version of a sweet treat, and my husband was disappointed as well.

  20. It's always disappointing when you have high hopes for something and it just doesn't turn out. I'm wondering what the recipe consisted of... looks like maybe chocolate pudding? While I commend you for always putting a healthy spin on things, tiramisu might be one of those desserts that just needs that little bit of fat... from the mascarpone cheese! And did you soak the lady fingers (or whatever the biscuit layer was) in coffee? That will really give you the coffee flavor you're looking for. I can't wait to see how it comes out on your next try. ;o)

  21. omg that is such a sad story -- but this kind of thing happens to everyone


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