
Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm Moving! Muffins

This post is brought to you by my awesome friend Jeanne! Who says "friends don't let friends lose their blog readers!" LOL she's awesome for helping me post while I'm so busy!


Last August, I made a lot of jam. When I heard about Steph's jam exchange, I knew right away that I want to participate. I love jam. It brings back so many nice memories of my childhood. My mom makes the best raspberry jam! So, I was totally in for the exchange. What I didn't know was what kind of jam to make. So in the end... I just made LOTS. Strawberry, Strawberry/Rhubarb, Blueberry, Blackberry, Blackbery/Peach, Cherry.... Well... You get the picture.

Fast forward to the present - only the cherry jam remains. (No. I didn't eat it ALL. I gave lots away.) It tastes good, but is soooo thick it's impossible to spread on toast. So two jars of this jam have been sitting ignored on my shelf. But now I'm moving! And I'm moving far enough that things like jam are not getting moved! So I've been trying to use up/eat up everything in my cupboards and fridge.

So now I really have to figure out what to do with this jam! It didn't take long to come up with the obvious solution: Jam centered muffins. With a good and basic base (which used up some of basic ingredients I'm also trying to get rid of), the jam center is really nice.

I'm Moving! Muffins (makes 12)
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup white sugar
2 egg, beaten
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup veg.oil (Or apple sauce. I gave these to people at work, so I used oil. It was a good way to get rid of some of that too!)
lemon rind
thick jam

1. Preheat oven to 400F.
2. Mix together all of the dry ingredients. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients to mix the wet ingredients. After those are thoroughly combined, mix everything until just wet.
3. In lined muffin tins, put a small dollop in the bottom of each muffin. Spoon a generous helping of jam into each muffin, making sure to center it as best you can. Cover jam dollop with the remaining batter.
4. Bake for 18-20 min or until done.


  1. Haha, cute guest post :) Great recipe for using up the jam too!

  2. Steph, you could never lose your blog-readers - we love you so much! I completely understand being super busy - sending lots of good luck with everything hugs and hoping you get to rest at least a wee bit too! *hugs*

    P.S. AMAZING guest post and gorgeous muffins!!

  3. Steph: Good luck with the move. We'll all still be here when you're less stessed, hon.

    Jeanne: the muffins look fabulous!

  4. Great idea! I always have too much jam at the end of the season too. I'll give this a try!

  5. i love anything with a surprise in the middle...

  6. I love jam muffins! I make peanut butter ones. Such yummy treats!

  7. These look great and hopefully will fortify you for the move. Bon chance!

  8. thank you all for all your support you guys ROCK!!!

  9. Great guest post! Love the muffins!

  10. I've made jame filled muffins before and they were amazing. Yours look really fantastic.

  11. Sweet and simple, sounds great. :)

  12. Made these this morning, but used cornmeal and this fab-o lavender strawberry jam
    Got me thinking about jams in general

  13. Great guest post! Love the muffins!

  14. These look great and hopefully will fortify you for the move. Bon chance!


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)