
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time to cook

It's somewhat ironic that I'm always saying... oh you can make time to cook it's easy... and yet this weekend I did not cook ONE single thing... no joke. Cereal for breakfast, PB&J for lunch, dinners out... easter at John's parents... mmm ham... HAM I say!! Come sunday night I realized the lack of cooking and baking and was feeling kinda bad about it, really I'm not trying to starve my soon to be hubby! (i'm just making sure he fits in his suit nice... i kid i kid!!)

So monday night after a trip to the new house to finish up painting the trim in my awesome new craft room... (the trim was black btw... previous owner of the room was a little high school punk rock girl, in case you are wondering... 2 coats of primer and 2 top coats will cover shiny black trim). Anyway, once I drove back to my condo I made a quick dinner (leftover ham with eggs and toast- YUM) and then got cracking on some granola for me, and some biscotti for John!

Granola is a staple in my diet it seems. I love having it with a little milk or over some greek yogurt, it's my go to mid morning snack to hold me over until lunch at 1. (and yes I do eat breakfast... I just chow a lot... come on people you know this by now) and biscotti is super easy to make plus I haven't made any for John in awhile.

For the granola hit up here.
For the whole wheat biscotti head here.

Darn I wanted to show you a before/after of the trim... but it's on John's camera... which is at his house and not mine... I'll post it once I have it... you'll laugh :)


  1. Definitely want to see the before and after on that trim. Yikes! LOL

    Much like you, I haven't cooked in ages either. I wonder if I can even remember my way back to my kitchen?! ;)

  2. I'm surprised with as busy as you are with the new house and wedding plans that you have time to blog, let alone cook!

  3. I have still never made biscotti - I really need to change that.

  4. *LOL*! It's so ironic, there was a time when I cooked every night--when I had a 5 year-old and a baby. As my kids have gotten older (now 13, 7, and almost 3), I started cooking less and less, a little at a time. And now I have a food blog. And I'm writing a cookbook. Like I said, ironic ;) Life just gets too busy some times :)

  5. I actually prefer to take a kitchen break on the weekends, so we'll usually eat out.

  6. there are definitely days that go by when we don't cook and i can tell a difference in how i feel (i have food allergies so i don't feel well if i eat out a lot). taking a break is always good though. no harm done.

  7. I have still never made biscotti - I really need to change that.


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