
Monday, April 26, 2010

The Mustard Seed

Today I bring you a really random restaurant review from Watertown NY... what's in Watertown you ask?? Not too much that we found... except over a dozen cars with weird guys honking at us... either there are no women in Watertown... or the men folk are just VERY vocal!

Jeanne and I were meeting up half way between our respective towns (Ottawa and Rochester) Watertown is the midpoint... we met up at the library (1. since we both LOVE libraries, and 2. easy place to find people and something to do if one of us got there early!).

This library was beautiful... I mean just look at it!

After a quick nap... we walked over to the mustard seed (and proceeded to get honked at... a lot....)

The mustard seed is an organic shop which seems highly out of place, but that's ok, we didn't mind one bit! On the contrary we were super happy to find it between the taco bell and KFC! We both settled on the "macro vegan pad thai"

It wasn't the best we've ever had, but it wasn't bad either. That plus a little Honest Tea and we were powered for more walking and wandering :) The Mustard Seed is a must to check out though, you can grind your own nut butters, and their gluten free section would make most stores blush in comparison.

Thanks again for meeting up Jeanne!!


  1. I had a fabulous time!! (Hope you did too.) Thanks so much for driving all that way to meet up with me. I'm still in love with that library.
    Oh and I'm in love with your jam. I tried the spiced peach/blueberry last night and it was SOOOO good! I can't wait to try the others. You rock!
    See you again soon. :) Yay for moving from the west coast!

  2. That library is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  3. What a fantastic library! And since Jeanne brought up jam, I have to say that Ihope you'll be doing another jam exchange this summer as I already know exactly what I'm going to be making.

  4. I've never been to a library that looks like that. Mine are always boring looking. Now that you mentioned it, I haven't been to a Taco Bell or KFC in ages!

  5. I'm going to guess that it seems like it's mostly men because it's right by Ft. Drum?

    If you live on base, and you leave a mop out on your front porch to dry, it is also a sign that "My husband is away and I want to BANG." Seriously!

    My John gets based there mid-July. Should be interesting.

  6. Ha ha ha, I love that nap picture! What a beautiful library and it sounds like such a fun meet-up. Nice! :)

  7. Jeanne- so much fun! Can't wait to do it again!!

    I know isn't the library fabulous!?

    sillypanda- ahhh that's why there are so many men... ok that mop this is just disturbing LOL

    diva- gotta love nap time LOL!

  8. Looks like you gals had a great time. Love the "nap" photo...LOL

  9. What a beautiful library! Love the picture of the two sleeping beauties!

  10. I've never been to a library that looks like that. Mine are always boring looking. Now that you mentioned it, I haven't been to a Taco Bell or KFC in ages!

  11. What a fantastic library! And since Jeanne brought up jam, I have to say that Ihope you'll be doing another jam exchange this summer as I already know exactly what I'm going to be making.


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)