
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh deer

So the new house has a ton of tulips all over the place. I love tulips! We had a warm spell and all the buds were popping up and I was so excited to see what colors they all were... notice the WAS excited.

It seems the local deer were ALSO excited about all the buds and proceeded to come and use our front lawn as a buffet!!! So Mr Deer... this next recipe is dedicated to you... because if you come eat more of my plants you'll be the next nightly special!

Venison with peas
microwave some frozen pees... cook venison in a pan until cooked to your liking... serve... yup there really was no reason to write that down...

Watch your back Mr. Deer, I got my eye on you!


  1. WE have a TON of deer, too! I want to do a garden but am afraid all of it will get eaten, even with a fence!

  2. yum ... i like deers ... and they are quite tasty too!

  3. Sorry about your tulips. Ours had the same fate this year. We even did not see the full buds yet. Know what? That is the reason why we see do many daffodils in this area but not many tulips. It seems the tulips in the village survive no problem. We live off the Powder mills park, a Zooland. They also ate our veggie garden. Ughhhhh, I hate the deer to compete with my living, damage one of our cars....... However, Venison is tasty! Pittsford can bring the price down by hunting the too many deer locally and serve back us:-))))))

  4. Jessica- I feel the same way! Now even more so with ChineseKite's comment!

    Reread- hehe love deer too, both to look at and to eat! :)

    ChineseKite- Sounds like we live close! I'm about a mile from the park! Hmmm maybe I wont be able to have that garden I wanted :( How did they damage your car?????

  5. I don't remember if anyone told you to try this before: hair. Deer (and rabbits?) don't like human hair, so if you put it around the outside of your garden they are less likely to eat your tulips/garden produce.
    I've never tried it before, but I've heard it from a few people.
    Sort of gross? But might be worth a try.
    I LOVE tulips.

  6. :) venison is definitely quite tasty!

  7. Not a fan of eating deer, but I like to look at them in the woods:)

  8. LOL! You sure gave me a laugh today, Steph! Though I am sorry about your poor tulips. Deer can be so destructive. :(

  9. LOL - I live in southern California so the thought of a deer eating my plants is quite hilarious!

    Bre @

  10. Sadly, you will never have tulips, EVER, if you have deer. We haven't had tulips in the 17 years we've lived in our house because as soon as the buds open, they are eaten.

    Plant daffodils! They avoid our daffodils.

  11. haha! too funny! We have no deer in the city, but my Mom always complains about them eating her flowers at home!

  12. The deer eat all our plants too!

  13. awww. I hate that when the critters eat up all the nice flowers. We actually had a squirrel one year who must have been particularly de-ranged. He cut off all of our tulips mid-stem... just left them hanging there. I couldn't believe it. It was almost worse to have them all dangling there than it would have been if he'd have just EATEN them. :)

  14. I've never had venison before. Can you believe that? But I have had peas.

    And I like those very much.

  15. Good luck with the deer. You might want to buy an extra freezer! LOL
    I love tulips! They were my dad's favorite flower. Pictures?

  16. Good luck with the deer. You might want to buy an extra freezer! LOL
    I love tulips! They were my dad's favorite flower. Pictures?

  17. awww. I hate that when the critters eat up all the nice flowers. We actually had a squirrel one year who must have been particularly de-ranged. He cut off all of our tulips mid-stem... just left them hanging there. I couldn't believe it. It was almost worse to have them all dangling there than it would have been if he'd have just EATEN them. :)

  18. LOL! You sure gave me a laugh today, Steph! Though I am sorry about your poor tulips. Deer can be so destructive. :(

  19. Sorry about your tulips. Ours had the same fate this year. We even did not see the full buds yet. Know what? That is the reason why we see do many daffodils in this area but not many tulips. It seems the tulips in the village survive no problem. We live off the Powder mills park, a Zooland. They also ate our veggie garden. Ughhhhh, I hate the deer to compete with my living, damage one of our cars....... However, Venison is tasty! Pittsford can bring the price down by hunting the too many deer locally and serve back us:-))))))

  20. Jessica @ How SweetMarch 15, 2011 at 2:22 PM

    WE have a TON of deer, too! I want to do a garden but am afraid all of it will get eaten, even with a fence!


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