
Wednesday, September 7, 2011


OK everyone you've heard me talking about Foodiacs for over a year now, and I can finally officially say we have launched!!!! Our team have worked countless hours making this a reality and I am so happy to share it all with you. Each one of us works a full time day job so everything you see is a culmination of free time spent making this dream a reality.


Our very first company we are featuring is Back to the Roots, they are an amazing company with an even more amazing story. Please head to check them out, and spread the word!

I grew the above kit myself! If you know me you know that I kill pretty much any plant allowed near me, I do NOT have a green thumb. If I can get mushrooms to grow anyone can! Plus they are amazing to watch, literally in one day these things quadrupled in size! A perfect fun family activity, teach your kids about how to grow their own food and then cook up something delicious!

Full disclosure, Back to the Roots gave us the kit to try out for ourselves for free.

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  1. YAY Foodiacs!!!
    Have you tried eating any of the mushrooms yet?? What do they taste like!? 

  2. Wow...that mushroom kit looks cool and I've never seen anything like it!

  3. Congrats on Foodiacs! I wish I liked mushrooms...

  4. I'm so excited- I just got one of these kits in the mail as well, and can't wait to start it up! Mushrooms are awesome. :)

  5. Hannah I KNOW you are going to love that kit! It's so much fun!!

  6. YAY for Foodiacs! I'm so excited and I can't wait to see all the great things that are in store for you! :-)


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)