
Friday, September 9, 2011


Even though it's September and the kids are back in school I still felt the need to make this very summer style salad. I've been eating it as a side dish, on sandwiches as the main event.. pretty much on everything, it's just that good!

Delicious and simple as simple can be: tomato, thinly sliced cucumber, crumbled feta, a splash of red wine vinegar, and a little seasoning in the form of oregano and black pepper. Perfection.


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  1. Mmmm...cheese makes any dish even better. This is making my mouth water!

  2. This has been a summer of salads for me - simple and delicious like yours. Nothing tastes better on a sunny day!

  3. No oil? If you add fat to your veggies I think you absorb the nutrients more efficiently...or something like that. Right? :) Anyways, looks delish!

  4. True, but that's what the cheese is for :)

    Sent from my iPad

  5. Mmmm looks fabulous!! My kind of salad.

  6. This does look like perfection! I love anything with feta so I know I'd love this. Yum.


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