
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ankle Warmers

Psst... Don't forget to enter the giveaway!

I fully admit it, I'm a white athletic sock and just about every type of shoe kinda girl... sure I'll wear tights with some pumps when I have to go to a work meeting, I don't totally embarrass myself... but most work days it's just me, a few equally crazy coworkers, and the work cats. (they are sisters, and yes they sleep just like that every day on my desk...the box corrals them rather nicely)

Back to me being weird...Why wear uncomfy thick socks when I can just wear my low cut athletics that I love so dearly??

This does bring on an issue in the winter though... snow boots and athletic socks = cold ankles... Sure sure, wear warm bulky socks... but... but... I don't want to!!! Instead I'll just crochet up a pair of these bad boys. She calls them a boot cuff... I call them ankle warmers, a shorter version of their second cousin the leg warmer. Chilly ankle problems solved. (Admit it.. I'm so freakin stylish... wow I totally look like I have man feet in that last picture.. rock on.)
What weird clothing habits do you have? Are you a sock and sandal person? (I totally do it, old man at heart) How about other weird "what not to wear" violations?? They would have a field day with me...

Your email will never be displayed publicly, so don't be scared to comment! :) Oh and make sure you type in your blog link so I can click over to you! There is a spot you can type it in.


  1. your cats look so cozy!  what a couple of cutie pies!

  2. Haha, the kitties are so cute! And I love those leg warmers! I've been wanting a pair but I'm no knitter. They look so cozy!

  3. several points:
    * i can vouch that she is indeed 'weird'.
    * while her feet appear to be man-like, they are actually nubs - the likes of which one wonders how she balances on pegs
    * those ankle thingys look like you ran out of material while making 80s leg warmers

    just sayin.
    - the other (better?) half

  4. * weird.... yet you still married me! :)
    * I do not have nubs, you just have freakishly large feet that make you think I have nubs (I wear a 7.5)
    * You just hate on leg warmers because your mom probably made you wear them in the 80's :P

    I think we all know who the better half of this equation is ;)

  5. *wierd is awesome.
    She can run pretty fast if those are peg legs!
    80s leg warmers are awesome too!! I totally own a pair!! (are you surprised???)
    ... I should so make some of these!!!

  6. Forget the cute sox. I just want your desk accessories. :)


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)