
Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday and a winner

Happy Friday! I've been in a baking rut lately... not that I'm not baking, I just keep baking the same things!! Like peanut butter chocolate chippers, and healthy chocolate chip cookies, and banana bread! All tasty.. but kinda boring for blog posts since I've already made them :)

So I guess all I have for you today is the Novica winner! That's pretty exciting right? Drum roll please.... the winner picked by isssss... cookingalamel! I'll send you an email, if I don't hear back within three days I'll pick a new winner.

Thanks everyone for entering and if you haven't yet check out Novica!

So any plans this weekend?? We may go look at a puppy again!! EEK!!! SO EXCITED!!!

Your email will never be displayed publicly, so don't be scared to comment! :) Oh and make sure you type in your blog link so I can click over to you! There is a spot you can type it in.


  1. I ended up picking out Stoneware tea cups, 'Legends' (pair) and Teakwood cutting board, 'Surf'.  I am SO excited to get these!  Thank you again a billion times over.  :)


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)