
Monday, March 19, 2012

Skinny B*tch - vegan swaps - Giveaway

I'm participating in the TLC book tour again, this time reviewing Skinny Bitch Book of Vegan Swaps. As you know I'm not vegan but don't shy away from baking and cooking vegan now and then. I was expecting this book to give advice on things like using ground up cashews to thicken soup stocks, or how to use flax seeds ground up with water instead of an egg when baking... although there were a few tips like this in the book, the majority is a list of brand name products that are vegan... but taste like meat...

Don't get me wrong I LOVE me some "chikin" chickpea patties, and agree they do taste like chicken nuggets, but for me when I cook vegan it's not about making things taste like the meat version of things, it's about using natural healthy ingredients to make delicious meals. When I want meat.. I just eat meat... everything in moderation as I say. The main purpose of this book is for us carnivores who want to go vegan, but still want the taste of meat without eating it. Again, in my world, not something I'm game for, but if you want to go vegan and still feel like you have the same tasteful options as a meat eater, this book will be helpful and a great guide to start you off.

One thing I think is very important to note, the author does make sure to pick healthier swaps, aka no long lists of things you can't pronounce. This is especially helpful considering there are so many vegan products out there that look more like a chemistry class list than an ingredients list.

In the end this book isn't very helpful for a person like me, but if you are thinking about going vegan on the weekends, or vegan full time, but are scared about craving a burger... give this book a try.

Now for the giveaway! Thinking about going vegan and need some inspiration? Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of your own! You can comment with anything you like or answer one of these questions. Would you ever "go vegan for the weekend" or for life? What was your biggest obstacle when you decided to do it? If you are vegan, do you like eating "meat tasting" products, or do you shy away from them?

Giveaway open to US/Canada. You have until March 26th at midnight to enter. One entry per person.

Your email will never be displayed publicly, so don't be scared to comment! :) Oh and make sure you type in your blog link so I can click over to you! There is a spot you can type it in.


  1. I'm someone who is curious and would want to fall into the vegan on the weekend category.

  2. I keep meaning to try and go vegan for a week or month... I was vegetarian for two years, and though I'm not anymore, I think I could do it!

  3. I've been a vegetarian for almost 10 years now, and I've always thought of going vegan but never had the will power to give up even more!

  4. i'm already vegan but want to learn more whole food vegan recipes

  5. I'm vegetarian (about 90% vegan)... I don't feel like going vegan, due to the fact that I don't want to become obsessed with [nutrition] labels. My girlfriend is a struggling vegetarian, so I think this book could be good for her. :)

  6. I'd definitely like to go vegan, but it's so hard to know what is 100% vegan and how to not break your budget adhering to the diet. Definitely planning to try to go vegan for a weekend though!

  7. I am vegetarian, and the biggest obstacle for me going vegan is cheese! I think if I were to seriously try going vegan, I would first cut dairy consumption to a couple days a week, then go from there.

    larkspurpurple (at)

  8. No thank meaty tasting things ever! I'll take chickpeas over chickens any day!  :) 

  9. I am a lacto vegetarian - and giving up dairy (cheese to be specific) is the one item I have not been able to give up yet.

    I need to find a good replacement and I could easily see going from vegetarian to vegan for life!

  10. I haven't even made it quite to vegetarian yet (I'm pescatarian), let alone vegan. But it is something I would definitely consider for the future. I am definitely closer to vegan than I was two years ago!

  11. Expedition Eat (Dina K)March 20, 2012 at 10:13 PM

    I'm a complete omnivore in that I'll eat meat or meatless depending on my mood. But I have been considering "going vegan" for a week to see what it would be like. 

  12. I am vegan at lunchtime because I need to lose weight!  And wowzer, would I love some new ideas!  I'm getting pretty tired of the same old salad, but if I don't lose some weight I'm going to have to face my cardiologist with my head hanging mighty low!

  13. "
    there are so many vegan products out there that look more like a chemistry class list than an ingredients list." Oh yes, how true! My son has tons of food allergies so I've found myself reading lots of "chemistry class" ingredient labels over the years.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one for the tour!

  14. Dina K (Expedition Eat)June 1, 2012 at 8:54 PM

    Thank you so much for the book. I've been using it to make my meatless Mondays vegan instead of just vegetarian. It has a ton of useful info and I've been having fun trying new food and recipes.


Hi everyone thanks so much for stopping by! I love all the comments! :)