
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wolfgan's BBQ chicken pizza

Otherwise known as man pizza if you ask me. I'm being stereotypical but I think just about any man would love this creation... ok fine, and probably every woman, I LOVED it. Sunday morning before I headed to the grocery store I handed John The CarbLovers Diet Cookbook and told him to pick what he wanted to for dinner. He immediately hands down wanted this, period. No more looking necessary.
To make it even easier we used a rotisserie chicken instead of cooking and cubing our own. Super fast and perfect with some home made bruschetta on the side. John literally stopped eating and clapped because this was so good, HA!

Wolfgang Puck's BBQ Chicken Pizza
recipe from The CarbLovers Diet Cookbook

2 tsp olive oil
1 cup thinly sliced yellow and red bell peppers
1 lb refrigerated pizza dough (we used whole wheat)
1/2 cup grated mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup fontina cheese (we used sharp cheddar)
1.5 cups cooked chicken breast cubed (I used a rotisserie chicken and shredded the meat)
1/4 cup BBQ sauce
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 cup flat leaf parsley

Cook the peppers in olive oil and roll out your dough. Top dough with peppers and cheese. He has you bake it for 12 minutes at 500 and cook the chicken separate, then top the pizza with it. I shredded the chicken, tossed it with the BBQ sauce and put it all onto the pizza and into the oven at the same time. Top with parsley once out of the oven.

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  1. It's been soooo long since I've had bbq chicken pizza. Like years. I don't know how it's possible. this looks great!

  2. Love Love Love BBQ Chicken pizza! I really do need to make my own sometime :)


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