PB Oatmeal No Bake Cookies
PB cookies, oh how I love you, even though you can be loaded with fat... but what's that? Defatted peanut powder you say? That sounds like some scary science fiction stuff. Hmmm and $8 a jar... that's a bit over what this gal likes to spend on a jar of anything... Well... here's to experimenting right!?
The price tag was a bit hard to swallow but I figured I had to give it a try in the name of healthy cookies everywhere! I am so so happy I did, because this powder is going into everything, pancake batter, cookies, milk shakes, bring it on! I have yet to try the straight up mix with water and use it as peanut butter, because lets face it, when I want a PB&J I'm using my jar of all natural PB. But when I'm adding it to something for the flavor... powder all the way my friend!
Peanut butter oatmeal no bake cookies
recipe by steph chows
1 cup oats - toss into a food processor and pulverize until it looks like flour
4 Tbs defatted peanut powder
1 Tbs milled flax seed + 3 Tbs warm water (mix and let sit a few minutes)
2-3 Tbs agave nectar
2/3 cup raisins or dark chocolate chips
Mix it all together and then use a cookie scoop to form balls. Freeze for a cold treat or keep in a sealed container on your counter for a room temperature cookie. Super easy right??
Have you tried this stuff? Or another brand of peanut powder? This is the only brand they had at Wegmans so that's why I went with it. Let me know what you think of other brands out there too!
PS. Hobbes says HI!
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The price tag was a bit hard to swallow but I figured I had to give it a try in the name of healthy cookies everywhere! I am so so happy I did, because this powder is going into everything, pancake batter, cookies, milk shakes, bring it on! I have yet to try the straight up mix with water and use it as peanut butter, because lets face it, when I want a PB&J I'm using my jar of all natural PB. But when I'm adding it to something for the flavor... powder all the way my friend!
Peanut butter oatmeal no bake cookies
recipe by steph chows
1 cup oats - toss into a food processor and pulverize until it looks like flour
4 Tbs defatted peanut powder
1 Tbs milled flax seed + 3 Tbs warm water (mix and let sit a few minutes)
2-3 Tbs agave nectar
2/3 cup raisins or dark chocolate chips
Mix it all together and then use a cookie scoop to form balls. Freeze for a cold treat or keep in a sealed container on your counter for a room temperature cookie. Super easy right??
Have you tried this stuff? Or another brand of peanut powder? This is the only brand they had at Wegmans so that's why I went with it. Let me know what you think of other brands out there too!
PS. Hobbes says HI!

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13 chews:
No way, really?! I'm guessing this magic powder isn't available in the UK yet so I'm insanely jealous. And no bake? Wowsers! I so want to try these so I'm going to have a mahoosive temper tantrum now! *stomps feet*
Mmmm... I love PB2 and use it in lots of recipes, love it in my protein shakes! Cannot wait to give this one a try, on a hot day this no bake is very tempting!
Found your recipe on Foodgawker and it looks yummy but I was unsure about the peanut flour. Not sure if I was going to try them, but then your adorable Wheaten sealed the deal. :) (Hi Hobbes, you cutie patootie!) I may end up trying peanut butter though.
I've tried PB2 (and the chocolate PB2) and I say...don't waste your time mixing it to use as actual peanut butter. I use it all the time, but only in recipes like this where it's more of a flavor enhancer. The texture is totally off to use in say, a PB&J sandwich!
OMG. Hobbes is soooooo cute! I really want to meet her!!!
Hehe I'm kinda excited Hobbes changed your mind on trying these LOL love it!
Thanks for the heads up on NOT making PB with it! I've seen PB2 online but never in stores, I bet the chocolate one is good!
I have never heard of defatted peanut powder. Interesting! These look delicious though!
I agree with Kelly - PB2 not so good as just PB but it flavors baked goods really well! My protein plus muffins get to stay lowfat but are yummy with the additions of PB2 and purée bananas to the batter. Great post - I'll be making these for the fan next weekend.
You and this recipe are my new best friends. I still have a tiny bit of powdered peanut butter in the pantry, waiting for a good use, so thank you for giving me one!
They have this stuff at Earth Fare, a new(er) grocery store here in Ohio (I miss Wegmans some days). They are using it there in smoothies, but I hadn't tried it yet. Guess it's time!
hi i can't wait to try this! just got my PB2 yesterday! only problem i have is i want to stay away from agave nectar because of all the concentrated fructose in it. Is there anything i can use in place of that? i would say stevia powder but do i need a liquid form of something?
I'm guessing honey would be in the same category as agave for you then? There are only 2-3 Tbs in the whole recipe so it's really not that much but it's pretty essential for holding things together. You could try using stevia but you might need to add some regular peanut butter or something else that will help bind it all together. Let me know how it goes! Good luck!
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