Skinny Protein Brownies
Protein and brownies, I know, those two words aren’t ones you normally think of going together. But if you can bake a brownie without fat and packed with protein… and they taste delicious, wouldn’t you do it too? I saw this recipe posted on a friends facebook page, it was one of those “shared” recipes that gave no credit to the author and I couldn’t track down where it originated from… so this isn’t my brain child, but I did make some changes to the original posting. Whoever originally came up with this, thanks for the inspiration!
Chocolate, low fat, packed with protein AND deliciousness. What more can you ask from a snack?
Find out how to make them at Food Fanatic. You know you want some Skinny Protein Brownies.
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Chocolate, low fat, packed with protein AND deliciousness. What more can you ask from a snack?
Find out how to make them at Food Fanatic. You know you want some Skinny Protein Brownies.

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5 chews:
Thanks for the idea! My boyfriend will love them.
I sent the FF post to the hubs. He is alllll about me making this happen at the weekend.
Awesome! I hope he likes them :)
Did you do a reverse google search for the image? Whenever I see a FBook-shared recipe, I do that and comment on it with the original post. I get irritated at friends who blindly share stolen content from link farms, urgh! But... these brownies DO seem too good to pass up! I have some "healthy" brownies on the lineup for my posts this week, too!
I TOTALLY do the same thing and add the link whenever I can! This one didn't have a photo (weird)... just a straight up recipe share, so no clue :(
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