
Monday, February 15, 2010

Chocolate Cream Pie

Happy day after valentines day! Happy day after Chinese new year... and happy presidents day! So are you all off from work and sitting on some bar stools somewhere? Not me, I'm at work... so no rubbing it in if you have today off!

I'm not a big valentines celebrator but it's always fun to do something a little special. John however is more of a romantic and I think he gets a little bummed that I'm not all gun-ho about V-Day... I try my best though... I mean I gotta show the man I love him! John loves boston cream pies, but never eats them due to the badness level of them. Personally the vanilla creamy center skeeves me out... not really sure why but bleh!! So off I went to make him a fun lightened up version.

I used my chocolate cupcake recipe (minus the chocolate chips) as the cake part and just made it in an 8 inch square cake pan and increased the time by 7ish minutes. The creamy center comes from cooking light... and the topping is just melted chocolate YUM!!

Tada! Now John can't complain that I didn't get him anything for Valentines day :D

Did you make your valentine anything special? Go out somewhere? Or just mellowed in?

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  1. Yum! That looks so good. I had to work Vday as well, so nothing special. We don't really celebrate it that much, though.

  2. Looks amazing, Steph! We didn't celebrate a ton for V-day. In fact, our actual V-day was SOOO incredibly boring. We did go up to Ithaca on Friday to have dinner with our best friends. And that was nice. <3

  3. Yes, Steph. I made my husband his favorite brownies...heart shaped, and posted them! We did the dinner and movie thing which is very nice for us...with three teenagers at home, it's pleasant to go out, just the two of us, for whatever reason. Peace, Stephanie

  4. So nice of you to make him a cake!
    And the title got me thinking - are you going to make a pie for pi day? It's coming right up! I will not be in a kitchen most likely... but maybe I'll try to eat pie on vacation.
    Happy President's day!

  5. What a fabulous creation! I didnt celebrate Vday haha ;)

  6. Ohhh, Steph, your chocolate cream pie looks heavenly! John is very lucky indeed!

    We stayed in for V-day, and I fixed Zach a surprise dinner...:-) Cooking is the best way to celebrate V-day, I think, of course! :-)

  7. Mmmm, looks good! I made the pasta that's on my blog and had wine with my friend. It counts as a V-day celebration because I was complaining about being single, hah!

  8. What a fabulous cake! Hope you had a nice Vday!

  9. Yum! That cake looks simply divine!

  10. That's a seriously gorgeous looking cake! :)

  11. You are so thoughtful!! This cream pie looks fantastic!! I love the combination of flavors.

    I made Lofthouse sugar cookies, truffles, and red velvet cakes for V day. I also had brunch with my friends and talked to my Valentine on the phone, since she lives in another state. :(

    Happy Day after all of those holidays to you, too!! I worked today as well.

  12. I worked today too... 8 hours on my feet. We can wallow in pity together. :o) The chocolate cream pie is gorgeous! I wish I had made something like this... I went with a red velvet cake.

  13. So sorry you had to work today!

    That dessert looks divine Steph!

  14. I almost thought you made something bad, but I should've known better..haha. That looks like a perfectly healthified chocolate dessert.

  15. Wow, this looks beautiful! I love the layers! I made hubby one of his favorite things - cookie cake! Nothing special, but he loves them!

  16. Yum! This looks fantastic - definitely something I'd love to try. Hope you had a happy Valentine's Day with your fiance! We got a babysitter and went out to 4:30! It's nice to have dates though still, no matter what time it is!

  17. Glad you all think it looks good and unhealthy LOL. I actually liked it! And I'm not a cream fan, go figure! Sounds like you all had wonderful days either not celebrating or celebrating!

  18. How ooey-gooey and delicious looking! I baked a heart cake and stayed in.

  19. This looks absolutely great.
    We just stayed at home and had a simple dinner with my family.


  20. yum, i've been kind of staying off chocolate lately but all these deliciously chocolatey recipe are eating away at my resolve :D

  21. This looks super delicious! Great V-day dessert!

  22. That's enough to satisfy even the likes of me...**grins** Absolutely Slurrpalicious!!!

  23. This looks absolutely delicious! What a great V-Day treat, or really an any-day-of-the-year treat :) I'm definitely going to have to look into trying that cream pie filling!

  24. That's enough to satisfy even the likes of me...**grins** Absolutely Slurrpalicious!!!

  25. This looks super delicious! Great V-day dessert!

  26. I worked today too... 8 hours on my feet. We can wallow in pity together. :o) The chocolate cream pie is gorgeous! I wish I had made something like this... I went with a red velvet cake.

  27. What a fabulous cake! Hope you had a nice Vday!

  28. Yum! That cake looks simply divine!


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