Boston Cream Pie - lightened up
John's favorite dessert is Boston Cream Pie...
Sorry to all of you who like this pie, everyone who had a slice loved it, I just chose not to partake... I don't know, it's something about vanilla custardy pudding stuff, totally skeeves me out! Anyone else out there like me?? Or am I just the weirdo of the bunch?
Alright then! Last weekend was John's birthday (thanks everyone for all the well wishes!!). We were supposed to have a birthday dinner with some peeps, but said peeps were a bit under the weather... hence the postponing making the cake until this weekend. I'm not sure if it was me, or what the recipe was supposed to look like... (this is WHY all recipes should be required to have pictures!), but my cake came out... how do I say... WICKED THIN! I mean yes it's a lightened up cake, but that doesn't mean IT has to be skinny along with the eaters!! The recipe has you make 1 9" cake and slice it in half. I have a 8.5" spring form pan so used that... and let me tell you, I'm so happy I didn't have a 9" because it would have been even THINNER!!!
John came out to the kitchen while the cake was cooling, took one look and said, "so... where's the other layer?"
"that's it, I have to cut it in half"
"seriously?? It kinda looks like a big cookie, not a cake"
"oh thanks! what should I do?? Should I make another cake so it's thicker?"
"you could just cut this one in half across and then pile it ontop... so we'll just have half a somewhat tall cake"
"we can not show up with half a cake"
This went back and forth for awhile haha and in the end I said screw it! I'm going to try to slice it in half and make it like the recipe says!
So here it is...

My very thin, kinda sad looking cake. It really is more of a large sandwich cookie with frosting than anything else. I was told it tasted delicious though so that's at least good :) The cake was a bit dry, but the custard helped that out, and the frosting was wicked good. Ahhh chocolate how I love you!
The cake and custard recipe came from Cooking Light. The only thing I changes was I took half the cake batter and added some cocoa and then swirled that back into the white cake. John couldn't decide if he wanted a chocoalte or vanilla cake. So swirl it was! The other change was I used whole wheat pastry flour, which I know had some to do with the lack of big thick cake... but seriously it shouldn't have been THIS THIN!
As for the "frosting" It's melted milk chocolate with a little honey and milk mixed in.
Sorry to all of you who like this pie, everyone who had a slice loved it, I just chose not to partake... I don't know, it's something about vanilla custardy pudding stuff, totally skeeves me out! Anyone else out there like me?? Or am I just the weirdo of the bunch?
Alright then! Last weekend was John's birthday (thanks everyone for all the well wishes!!). We were supposed to have a birthday dinner with some peeps, but said peeps were a bit under the weather... hence the postponing making the cake until this weekend. I'm not sure if it was me, or what the recipe was supposed to look like... (this is WHY all recipes should be required to have pictures!), but my cake came out... how do I say... WICKED THIN! I mean yes it's a lightened up cake, but that doesn't mean IT has to be skinny along with the eaters!! The recipe has you make 1 9" cake and slice it in half. I have a 8.5" spring form pan so used that... and let me tell you, I'm so happy I didn't have a 9" because it would have been even THINNER!!!
John came out to the kitchen while the cake was cooling, took one look and said, "so... where's the other layer?"
"that's it, I have to cut it in half"
"seriously?? It kinda looks like a big cookie, not a cake"
"oh thanks! what should I do?? Should I make another cake so it's thicker?"
"you could just cut this one in half across and then pile it ontop... so we'll just have half a somewhat tall cake"
"we can not show up with half a cake"
This went back and forth for awhile haha and in the end I said screw it! I'm going to try to slice it in half and make it like the recipe says!
So here it is...

My very thin, kinda sad looking cake. It really is more of a large sandwich cookie with frosting than anything else. I was told it tasted delicious though so that's at least good :) The cake was a bit dry, but the custard helped that out, and the frosting was wicked good. Ahhh chocolate how I love you!
The cake and custard recipe came from Cooking Light. The only thing I changes was I took half the cake batter and added some cocoa and then swirled that back into the white cake. John couldn't decide if he wanted a chocoalte or vanilla cake. So swirl it was! The other change was I used whole wheat pastry flour, which I know had some to do with the lack of big thick cake... but seriously it shouldn't have been THIS THIN!
As for the "frosting" It's melted milk chocolate with a little honey and milk mixed in.
16 chews:
As a former Boston resident, I resent your discontent with BCP.
Okay, jk, Boston Cream Pie has absolutely nothing to do with Boston as far as I'm concerned. In fact, equating it with the region is not terribly unlike obnoxious tourists in the airport saying "I pahhhhked the cahhhh in Hahhhhhvid Yahhhhd."
That said, you can't touch our clam chowder, which is definitely quite regional. =)
Hehehehe Aleta too funny!! Don't worry I wont touch your clam chowder because I LOVE IT!!! Whenever I'm in new england I HAVE to get some! So good!!! Do you have a good clam chowder recipe??? I'll have to do a search over on yours :)
Yum, that looks good to us!
You aren't alone on the custard/pudding dislike. I love them, but my dad can't stand them. Seriously. He'll leave the room if my mom serves anything resembling a pudding. It goes so far as hating lemon meringue pie!
(PS - Speaking of pie... are you going to make a pie for pi day on Saturday?)
Duo- you guys always have yum looking stuff too!
Jeanne- is it that time of year again already?? I haven't yet, but I'm such a nerd I totally should! Lets see if I have time to fit it in :) what are you making??
During my spring break my goal is to make my first Boston Cream Pie. Now I have an inspiration
My office has a pi day competition each year! Last year I made shoofly pie and berry bramble pie. (The bramble won!) This year I'm going to try cherry rhubarb and maybe apple with a crumble top. Unless you have a better suggestion. I'm still deciding...
All of the Boston Cream pies I've eaten have been just as thin as this one, if not thinner. It's not my favorite but I don't hate it. I feel like it's missing something whenever I eat it. It really does have to do with Boston, it's origin is traced back to the 185o's, it was made famous by one of the hotels there.
Ya know, Steph, I'm kind of with you ... Boston Cream Pie isn't my thing either. Its not that I don't like custard, I do, but I don't like custard and cake in combination. I really prefer a frosting filling. That said, your cake looks rather inviting ... though it could just be the chocolate topping that's calling my name! LOL
Looks damned good to me. I think you did a great job!
Olivia- hope you are feeling better and have fun making one!!
Jeanne- what fun!! I should make my office all make pies :D Only one girl here is super into baking though, she makes AMAZING food!!
Reeni and Donna - glad you like the looks of it!! And Reeni, good to know it wasn't just mine that is flat!
Diva- woohoo! I must say I'm a big fan of frozen custard! just not the normal custard haha
Looks good to me. I wouldn't turn a piece down! :-)
Looks good to me. I wouldn't turn a piece down! :-)
Ya know, Steph, I'm kind of with you ... Boston Cream Pie isn't my thing either. Its not that I don't like custard, I do, but I don't like custard and cake in combination. I really prefer a frosting filling. That said, your cake looks rather inviting ... though it could just be the chocolate topping that's calling my name! LOL
Looks damned good to me. I think you did a great job!
My office has a pi day competition each year! Last year I made shoofly pie and berry bramble pie. (The bramble won!) This year I'm going to try cherry rhubarb and maybe apple with a crumble top. Unless you have a better suggestion. I'm still deciding...
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