Faster then fast food

Ok so you work a 12 hour shift (like my awesome roommate who works in the NICU go steph!!) or just a normal 8 hour day (like me)... either way the last thing some people want to think about it cooking... so you start thinking about going to one of the evil fast food places... DON'T DO IT!! With very little thinking ahead you can make a much healthier option at home.
I always keep the freezer stocked with some whole wheat bread or rolls that I froze for such emergency occasions. I also make sure to keep a package of frozen Jennie-O LEAN turkey burgers. Make sure they are the lean ones... the normal ones have a ton of fat in them (17 grams vrs 9 gms). These little babies go straight from the freezer into a lightly sprayed pan 3 minutes a side and you are DONE!
So while the burger is cooking toss a roll or slices of bread from the freezer into the toaster, then top it with the burger, a little salsa or ketchup and you are done. If you have some on hand go for the gold with some lettuce and tomato, mushrooms, or a slice of cheese. But these burgers just with ketchup are super flavorful and will help get you through that burger craving. So don't stop at fast food! Keep driving and cook up a quick turkey burger and enjoy!
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