Tastes Like Home

To see what I sent April click here!
Now onto the good stuff... what April sent me! So exciting! I mean just check out all that loot! onto the chow! April has a lovely place called the fruit and berry patch near by and man does it look like it makes some amazing stuff! She sent me some apple butter (YUM) alfalfa honey (DOUBLE YUM!) BBQ sauce (can't wait to try this stuff out! I love BBQ and I sent her a bottle of BBQ from around here... I wonder what she'll think of it!)

annnnnd she MADE me some peach vanilla bean jam from peaches she bought at the fruit and berry patch!! I had to open the jam ASAP and try it... my verdict... DELICIOUS!! Also the fruit and berry patch use to just sell fresh fruit until one year a frost came early and killed off his crop so he started canning/ bottling things so he could still have a constant income. Good thinking!
April also sent me some Wickles... wait what?

HAHA they are wickedly delicious pickles! no joke it says it on the bottle!! April did you know I love saying the word wicked... all the time?? You must have known :) Wickles have a secret too... turn the bottle over... and you'll see what it is...

They have skiing in Tennessee?? OK I will agree with my mom that my geography skills are... lets just put it nicely... absolutely horrible hehe. But in my head TN is too far south to have skiing... well you can mark me down as being wrong about that one! Oh and for all my graphic design friends out there... don't you love the 80's ski shot on the cover!?!?! FABULOUS!!
There were also a bunch of hard candies, cherry, watermelon, and a bunch of other flavors along with some rock candy and some caramels! I remember making rock candy in science class.. mmmm that's some tasty science :)
Thank you so much April I loved my packages and this was wicked fun!
Chow on!
3 chews:
Wicked delights indeed. You got a great package! I'm so glad you participated with us. It was a fun event. I got you added to the round-up!
Stephanie, I am glad that you enjoyed it! This was a ton of fun, and by the way, the dinosaur BBQ is wonderful!! I am using the rest of it for dinner tonight!
Stephanie, I am glad that you enjoyed it! This was a ton of fun, and by the way, the dinosaur BBQ is wonderful!! I am using the rest of it for dinner tonight!
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