I love you Mr Taylor
And no John's last name is not Taylor... I'm talking about a different John entirely, John Taylor, the inventor of Taylor ham...
John Taylor you ROCK! OK the majority of you are probably going "what's taylor ham... and why is steph so in love with it" taylor ham is like home to me, well, it makes me think of home. It's a New Jersey thing, maybe if you live in Manhattan you're lucky enough to have experienced it as well. This stuff even has a fan page on facebook... not that I'm a fan of it or anything...
Taylor ham is also known as pork roll... there is actually a passionate discussion of the proper name being debated all over the internet... since we have nothing better to talk about... Northern NJ calls it Taylor Ham... Southern NJ calls it a pork roll... I'm sticking with my Northern NJ roots and calling it Taylor ham!!
You can order it online here. I know I know, it's processed meat, there is NOTHING healthy about this stuff... but come on people... everything in moderation!
It's hard to find this stuff outside of NJ... but on tuesday night, the stars were aligned and I found a box of it in the Wegmans near RIT!!! Of course I bought it straight away... and then proceeded to talk about how excited I was the whole night at the gym (as Sean and John rolled their eyes at me). For dinner I had the perfect meal: a taylor ham and egg sandwich... I had it on wheat bread though... you know to make it healthy *cough cough*
The bread actually came from Natures Pride, they are sweeties and sent me a loaf of whole wheat along with a loaf of 12 grain. The wheat is soft and not overly dense or dry like some wheat bread can be. It makes for a perfect hearty sandwich! Super tasty! And with 14 grams of whole grain PER SLICE, it's good for ya! The 12 grain was also pretty good, but there is something about sunflower seeds in bread... I always think they look like boogers... I know I know "steph don't talk about boogers on a food blog, it's nasty!"

Want to hear another funny story about me loving ham too much... I was sitting having a nice dinner with an old boyfriend, happily eating a nice plateful of ham (and apparently ignoring him). So he sweetly looks over at me and tell me he loves me... (so sweet right) well I don't hear him, look up and dreamily say "I love ham" in a voice sounding like I'm about to make love to the ham... hahahah WHOOOPS!!! Yup didn't live that one down!! Sometimes John asks me "you love me more than ham right??" Yes John I do love you more than ham :D
Is there a type of food you can only get when you are near home? Or is there a type of food you love more than your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? hehe
PS can you believe it's OCTOBER??? when did that happen??
John Taylor you ROCK! OK the majority of you are probably going "what's taylor ham... and why is steph so in love with it" taylor ham is like home to me, well, it makes me think of home. It's a New Jersey thing, maybe if you live in Manhattan you're lucky enough to have experienced it as well. This stuff even has a fan page on facebook... not that I'm a fan of it or anything...
Taylor ham is also known as pork roll... there is actually a passionate discussion of the proper name being debated all over the internet... since we have nothing better to talk about... Northern NJ calls it Taylor Ham... Southern NJ calls it a pork roll... I'm sticking with my Northern NJ roots and calling it Taylor ham!!
You can order it online here. I know I know, it's processed meat, there is NOTHING healthy about this stuff... but come on people... everything in moderation!
It's hard to find this stuff outside of NJ... but on tuesday night, the stars were aligned and I found a box of it in the Wegmans near RIT!!! Of course I bought it straight away... and then proceeded to talk about how excited I was the whole night at the gym (as Sean and John rolled their eyes at me). For dinner I had the perfect meal: a taylor ham and egg sandwich... I had it on wheat bread though... you know to make it healthy *cough cough*

Want to hear another funny story about me loving ham too much... I was sitting having a nice dinner with an old boyfriend, happily eating a nice plateful of ham (and apparently ignoring him). So he sweetly looks over at me and tell me he loves me... (so sweet right) well I don't hear him, look up and dreamily say "I love ham" in a voice sounding like I'm about to make love to the ham... hahahah WHOOOPS!!! Yup didn't live that one down!! Sometimes John asks me "you love me more than ham right??" Yes John I do love you more than ham :D
Is there a type of food you can only get when you are near home? Or is there a type of food you love more than your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? hehe
PS can you believe it's OCTOBER??? when did that happen??
18 chews:
seriously -- where the heck did october come from?! dang!
mmmmmm hamg, j'adore!
In Ohio they have Cincinnati style chili that just makes my heart sing. It is not healthy in any way, but when we are home again - we have to stop at Skyline Chili!
I'm with ya. October just came up out of nowhere! I'm not ready for it!!
Food I can only get close to home? My mom's cooking! Ha!
I love this restaurant called the Lebanese Taverna. There is one in my hometown of Arlington, VA. I currently live in WV where there is nothing even remotely similar! I have considered driving 5 hours just to eat there. So sad...The good news is I found a few recipes that come slightly close to my favorites there.
I miss my Titanburgers from Tony's, the local joint in the town I grew up in.
That Nature's Pride bread is awesome. I just started buying it a couple of weeks ago. It's so soft and great for sandwiches.
I didn't realize Taylor ham was a NJ thing. I guess that's cos I'm a Jersey girl, and I also didn't realize you were a Jersey girl too! :)
Where did you find the Taylor ham in Wegs? I might have to get me some.
God, I used to love the Taylor ham, egg and cheese on a bagel with a side of milkshake. That's when I was a youngin'...I miss you, Steph!
Jenny- hahah glad someone else is excited with me!
Sunshinemeg- mmmm it sounds good!!
Jeanne- hahah true enough :)
Ang- Ooo I'll have to tell my sister to go try that place!
Mags- Titanburger... sounds HUGE!! And you are so right, the bread is delicious!
Vanessa- go Jersey girls! Only the strong survive :D Where in NJ are you from?? I found it near the bacon and other sausage meets in the Hylan Drive Weggos YUM!
Kendra- I miss you too!! I have memories of getting a taylor ham and cheese sandwich at A&W hehe
I've seen it at the Henrietta Wegman's too - and I always stock up when I can. Haha, I used to bring coolers full from home when I'd go. (originally from CT with family in NJ)
Have you tried it on an open face grilled cheese? Toast bread. Top with Mayo and cheese, and already cooked t-ham - broil until cheese is bubbly. Eat dipped in Worcestershire sauce. It's my favorite way to eat it.
Taylor Ham is one of those things I've heard of but have never experience. I might be afraid of it! LOL
I've said this before, but, for me, pizza is a local food. I grew up in the New Haven, CT area and really, I can only eat and enjoy pizza in New Haven. Its just a totally different food from the pizza anywhere else and nothing else comes close for me.
Fortunately, my husband is from that area too, so we can enjoy or pizza love without feeling unfaithful! LOL
I'm surprised you eat that!! I don't like ham, love bacon but not ham. That's a cute story!!
Boogers? I didn't see boogers in the bread. I got the bread too and I preferred the booger bread over the wheat!
I love the "I love ham" story - hilarious!
les- too funny! I don't think I could do the mayo though! hehe
Diva- I need to go try some new haven pizza and see what you are talking about
Reeni- I know haha, I do eat bad for me things :) I just do it in moderation!
Ann- hahaah there were no ACTUAL boogers! It's just I think sunflower seeds when sliced in half look like boogers in bread! :D
haha.. you're hilarious! I can't believe its October either. I'm so not looking forward to the snow...
I love Taylor Pork Roll! My Grandparents bring it with them from Philadelphia when they visit us in Seattle :) Habersatts Scrapple too!
haha.. you're hilarious! I can't believe its October either. I'm so not looking forward to the snow...
I've seen it at the Henrietta Wegman's too - and I always stock up when I can. Haha, I used to bring coolers full from home when I'd go. (originally from CT with family in NJ)
Have you tried it on an open face grilled cheese? Toast bread. Top with Mayo and cheese, and already cooked t-ham - broil until cheese is bubbly. Eat dipped in Worcestershire sauce. It's my favorite way to eat it.
God, I used to love the Taylor ham, egg and cheese on a bagel with a side of milkshake. That's when I was a youngin'...I miss you, Steph!
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