Operation Baking gals! Thank you all
I just wanted to say thank you again to everyone who participated in round 2 of Operation Baking Gals! If you want to sign up for round 3 just head on over to the Operation Baking Gals site and email Susan! Eric has been told to take lots of pictures of all the packages he gets and all his buddies enjoying them! Once I have them I'll post them here! :)
Here is everyone who baked!!! And if they let me know... what they sent! (as for the order it's just the order that people signed up to bake with me :) )
Thank you again everyone!!
Clara of I heart food for thought sent thumb print cookies so cute!
April of Abby Sweets baked peanutbutter cookies http://abbysweets.blogspot.com/2008/08/peanut-butter-cookies.html
Paige Welch, Rock Hill, NY made her specialty choc chip, but with mini hershey kisses and LOTS of M&Ms! www.myspace.com/mpaigew
Erica DiRenzo, Rochester NY
Rachel Bond, Rochester, NY made snickerdoodles http://runinthesnow.blogspot.com/2008/08/mmm-mmm-yummy.html
Gretchen Roman, Rochester, NY made Moosewood Fudge Brownies from, you got it, the Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca!

Charna Scarpati, NY
And Angela a late entry I didn't know about... baked. "I sent off a batch of pastachio cookies made from the recipe in King Arthur's cookbook. I came on board late (contacted Susan 28 August) but was able to get the shipment mailed off on Labour Day. Close proximity to a 24 hour post office made this possible. " thanks Angela!
Thank you again everyone!!!
If I missed an email from you saying what you baked let me know so I can add it to the list!
You all rock!!
Here is everyone who baked!!! And if they let me know... what they sent! (as for the order it's just the order that people signed up to bake with me :) )
Thank you again everyone!!
Clara of I heart food for thought sent thumb print cookies so cute!

April of Abby Sweets baked peanutbutter cookies http://abbysweets.blogspot.com/2008/08/peanut-butter-cookies.html
Fran Z from Apples Peaches Pumpkin Pie. made oatmeal scotchie bars, chocolate chip cookies, and peanutbutter chip cookies! http://applespeachespumpkinpie.blogspot.com/2008/08/cookies-for-uss-abraham-lincoln.html
Karin Joensen, Delaware (used to live in Rochester NY!) of Confetti Dreams (her blog isn't up and running yet) Sent chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, Jolly Rogers candy and Tootsie pops!
Jennifer Marie Monteux from Portland, Maine made whoopie pies! How totally appropriate to her blog name :)
Kassie Green, Davenport, ID sent "In honor of my stepson, an Army medic who came back from Iraq about 18 months ago, I baked his favorite cookie, peanut butter chip."
Melissa White from http://dirt2dish.blogspot.com made Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies.

Jennifer Moore made Chipperdoodles http://www.jamsquared.net/blog/Jennifer_blog.htm

Anna Scheminger of Maybe just a bite made Chocolate, White Chocolate Chippers with Walnuts

Michelle and Agnes of Vancouver, WA and My year to get skinny sent chocolate chip cookies and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies

Liz C, Bremerton WA, Just Me Eating (http://justmeeating.blogspot.com )
Tracey from http://chocolatechipotle.typepad.com/ baked kiss cookies and chocolate chip cookies... and then her dog ate the whole package!!! So she made some more :)

Joanna Furtado, Rockland, MA made 5-6 dozen chocolate chip cookies and 2 dozen chocolate heath bar cookies... WOW!!!
Dolores from http://culinarycuriosity.blogspot.com
Jillian baked chocolate chip cookies! http://www.butterandsugar.org/blog/?p=109
Karin Joensen, Delaware (used to live in Rochester NY!) of Confetti Dreams (her blog isn't up and running yet) Sent chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, Jolly Rogers candy and Tootsie pops!
Jennifer Marie Monteux from Portland, Maine made whoopie pies! How totally appropriate to her blog name :)
Kassie Green, Davenport, ID sent "In honor of my stepson, an Army medic who came back from Iraq about 18 months ago, I baked his favorite cookie, peanut butter chip."
Melissa White from http://dirt2dish.blogspot.com made Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies.
Jennifer Moore made Chipperdoodles http://www.jamsquared.net/
Anna Scheminger of Maybe just a bite made Chocolate, White Chocolate Chippers with Walnuts
Michelle and Agnes of Vancouver, WA and My year to get skinny sent chocolate chip cookies and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies

Liz C, Bremerton WA, Just Me Eating (http://justmeeating.blogspot.
Tracey from http://chocolatechipotle.

Joanna Furtado, Rockland, MA made 5-6 dozen chocolate chip cookies and 2 dozen chocolate heath bar cookies... WOW!!!
Dolores from http://culinarycuriosity.
Jillian baked chocolate chip cookies! http://www.butterandsugar.org/
Teanna baked 5 dozen Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters (courtesy of TWD - Tuesdays with Dorie!) yum! http://sporkandfoon.typepad.com

Niki Landreville, Rochester NY sent chocolate chip zucchini bread! http://stephchows.blogspot.com/2008/08/operation-baking-gals-round-2.htmlPaige Welch, Rock Hill, NY made her specialty choc chip, but with mini hershey kisses and LOTS of M&Ms! www.myspace.com/mpaigew
Erica DiRenzo, Rochester NY
Rachel Bond, Rochester, NY made snickerdoodles http://runinthesnow.blogspot.
Gretchen Roman, Rochester, NY made Moosewood Fudge Brownies from, you got it, the Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca!
Charna Scarpati, NY
And Angela a late entry I didn't know about... baked. "I sent off a batch of pastachio cookies made from the recipe in King Arthur's cookbook. I came on board late (contacted Susan 28 August) but was able to get the shipment mailed off on Labour Day. Close proximity to a 24 hour post office made this possible. " thanks Angela!
Thank you again everyone!!!
If I missed an email from you saying what you baked let me know so I can add it to the list!
You all rock!!
10 chews:
Looks like they are recieving tons of cookies! woohoo!
Hi Steph -- I've put off replying 'cause I can't find the pic I took of my son modeling with my cookies! I remember editing it and getting it ready on the computer, but I can't remember *which* computer (I have a few) and I can't find it anywhere. :(
Anyway, we made classic Tollhouse choc chip cookies and the oatmeal raisin cookies off the Quaker oatmeal container on my son's 9th birthday. I got them sent off the 29th. If I ever find that pic, I'll send it in.
I also talk about it a bit here on my other blog, Cooking the Books. (http://cookthroughblogroll.blogspot.com/2008/09/we-have-new-one.html)
Wow! Everything looks great!
I just wanted to let you know that I am in Vancouver, WA not MA.
woops sorry about that! all fixed :)
Awesome roundup! I think Lt. Eric will be drowning in sweets. I can't wait to see pictures of him (and buddies) eating everything! ;)
I sent off a batch of pastachio cookies made from the recipe in King Arthur's cookbook. I came on board late (contacted Susan 28 August) but was able to get the shipment mailed off on Labour Day. Close proximity to a 24 hour post office made this possible.
I felt very privileged to be a part of this effort, and had lots of fun making the whoopie pies! I hope they got there okay and everyone enjoyed all the treats from home.
Wow! Everything looks great!
I just wanted to let you know that I am in Vancouver, WA not MA.
I sent off a batch of pastachio cookies made from the recipe in King Arthur's cookbook. I came on board late (contacted Susan 28 August) but was able to get the shipment mailed off on Labour Day. Close proximity to a 24 hour post office made this possible.
Hi Steph -- I've put off replying 'cause I can't find the pic I took of my son modeling with my cookies! I remember editing it and getting it ready on the computer, but I can't remember *which* computer (I have a few) and I can't find it anywhere. :(
Anyway, we made classic Tollhouse choc chip cookies and the oatmeal raisin cookies off the Quaker oatmeal container on my son's 9th birthday. I got them sent off the 29th. If I ever find that pic, I'll send it in.
I also talk about it a bit here on my other blog, Cooking the Books. (http://cookthroughblogroll.blogspot.com/2008/09/we-have-new-one.html)
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