Baby Shower Cupcakes

First don't forget to sign up for the jam exchange!
And if you didn't see it, take a look at John's guest blog :)
I'm a big fan of all things home made, so when I found out a few friends were expecting I had to get the move on and start crocheting some cute little things!
First was Zoe and Geoff, for there little boy/girl I made a set of cute puppies.

Next was Josh and Chris, for their little boy I made a ring rattle and a little dinosaur!

Now we can't forget about some chow right? When I think of baby showers I think of very scary situations filled with many many woman and stupid stupid horrible games... this was not going to be the case for this baby shower though *phew* cause me, I can't handle that crap...
Even though one baby was a going to be a boy for sure... I made the cupcakes pink anyway... why? because I had strawberry foam... and I wasn't about to waste it :)

1 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1/4 cup splenda blend for baking (or 1/2 cup white sugar)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/3 cup Hershey's 100% Cocoa Special Dark
2 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
dash salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup chocolate chips (i used semi-sweet chips)
Preheat oven to 350 F
Mix apple sauce, splenda, vanilla, beat in egg
In a separate bowl mix flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon.
Add flour mixture to wet mixture a little at a time, stir in chocolate chips.
Spoon batter into 12 silicon muffin cups (or lightly greased cupcake tins or use cupcake liners!)
Bake for about 20 minutes or until tops are firm to touch.
Strawberry cream cheese frosting
4 oz 1/3 less fat cream cheese
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 Tbs strawberry foam (I'm sure jam would work too... just lumpier)
Beat all the ingredients together until smooth, spread on top of cooled cupcakes.

Speaking of Anjali... I made her this cute little bear who's wearing a red sweater!

Hey Neva... what kind of fun animal might your little bun in the oven like???
25 chews:
Those animals are so cute, makes me wish I was pregnant right now (soon enough). You amaze me with how talented you are!
Great animals!! I love to crochet too, but have never made daughter makes a LOT of stuffed animals, though!! Love the cupcakes with applesauce...great low fat recipe!!
Peace, Stephanie
I love the animals Steph you need to do a giveaway with one pretty please!!!, my lil one would love it!
Oh my goodness, those little animals are so adorable! You've got skill! Those cupcakes look delicious, too. Love the frosting :)
aww the dino and the cupcake picture is too cute for words!
Thanks everyone! It really wasn't hard to learn at all! The Happy Hooker is a really great book to learn from, and then you can find a TON of free patterns for animals online... once you get the hang of it you can start making up your own (like the little dino!)
Chow and Chatter- that is a totally fun idea and I know a ton of the readers have kids... I'll get on it! Maybe I'll take a poll to see what I should make :)
Oh my, Steph, those little critters are just darling! You're so talented! And generous too, what a wonderful way to welcome all the new babies. Love it!
The cupcakes look yummy too. I love that you've used the special dark cocoa. I've been dying to try it but my stupid supermarket doesn't carry it.
Oh, your animals are so adorable!! Makes me pine for the time to crochet and knit again... Gosh, it feels like ages since I've picked up a skein of yarn!
The stuffed animals are SO CUTE! The cupcakes look really tasty too.
Love the dinos! They are so cute.
OMG I love the dino! Although I wouldn't say no to a cupcake either!
The chocolate and strawberry mix is great. You've got a good thing there.
Oh my goodness, Steph, I'm so excited that you crochet!! I crochet too!! :-) I am SO impressed with all your gorgeous animals!! They're perfect!! Seriously, they're the most adorable stuffed animals I've ever seen! :-)
and your cupcakes look amazing... I'm so excited about your cupcake recipe with whole wheat flour and dark cocoa! My kind of cupcakes indeed! :-) I can't wait to try them!
Thank you for your great suggestion about the TVP! I definitely need to start using TVP more often... TVP would be perfect for "meatballs!"
They are sooo cute! I wish I was that crafty.
What cute little creations you crocheted! And the cupcakes sound scrumptious - chocolate with strawberries - you can't go wrong with that combo!
Adorable animals Steph. Adorable!
I'm still LOLing over the book's name, The Happy Hooker.
Oh those animals are just adorable Steph!!!! I don't crochet, but I knit, and I remember seeing knitting patterns for them, maybe I should look for them again, because they do make precious little gifts!
Great cupcakes, fantastic animals! They look good enough to eat -- and I'm talking about both, of course!
Thanks for all the wonderful words guys :) you are all too sweet!! And I'm so happy you guys like the whole wheat dark chocolate cupcakes! YUM!!
Hannah- you are like the ubber best at crochet!! I can't wait to see what you come up with next once you have some more time on your hands :)
Astra Libris and Marta- lets see some of your crochet/ knit creations!!
The cupcakes look fab and I've already printed the recipe to try.
Secondly...OMG those little animals are darling! So precious. Do you have an Etsy store? You're so talented.
Just wanted to say that I made these cupcakes this weekend (with a vanilla buttercreme frosting) and they were deeeeelicious. I will admit that I was skeptical at first. See, I am a spoon-licker (I just can't help it). I think this is the first time ever that the batter tasted not-quite right (because of the wheat flour perhaps?) but that the final product pulled together perfectly. Thanks for the recipe!
Great cupcakes, fantastic animals! They look good enough to eat -- and I'm talking about both, of course!
OOOOOh,....Aaaaah, made such lovely animals! They are all so cute!
You are so crative!
those cupcakes look also excellent!
The cupcakes look fab and I've already printed the recipe to try.
Secondly...OMG those little animals are darling! So precious. Do you have an Etsy store? You're so talented.
Oh those animals are just adorable Steph!!!! I don't crochet, but I knit, and I remember seeing knitting patterns for them, maybe I should look for them again, because they do make precious little gifts!
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