Foodblogger Festival

OK... so are any of you going to the Foodbuzz Food blogger festival in November?? It's in San Francisco and I'm totally going!!!! Come on... someone else is going right?? I want to meet you all :) I know Natalie is going(awesome)... anyone else??
I actually entered the contest to create the logo for the festival... still haven't heard back... not sure if that's a good thing or not! Maybe I'm in the final running! That would kick some serious booty! Or is that thing on the right here the logo.... doesn't look like a logo if you ask me... hmmmpf
OH and how fun is this. You can nominate people here for all types of awards! You don't have to be a blogger or involved with Foodbuzz to nominate your favorites either, anyone can nominate!
I'm going to go nominate a bunch of people who I think are deserving of the titles...
Best Overall Blog
Best New Blog
Best Wine Blog
Best Cocktail/Spirits Blog
Best Baking Blog
Best Food Photography Blog
Best Visual Blog (graphic design)
Best Writing Voice
Best Healthy Living Blog
Best Green/Sustainable blog
Best Family Blog
Best Recipe Blog
Best Blogger Humanitarian Effort
Best Community Blog Effort (recognizing blogging groups/challenges/etc)
Most Humorous Food Blog
Blogger you’d most want to:
-Take to dinner
-Cook a meal for you
-Be your personal Sommelier
-Create you a cocktail
-Watch on Food Network
-Watch on Iron Chef
-See open up their own restaurant
-See their blog made into a movie
Arent' those some seriously fun categories!! I hope I get nominated for something :D (hint hint)... man I'm bad! hahaha go nominate here!

PS don't forget about the giveaway!!
You have until Sunday the 20th to enter!
21 chews:
OOOOoooo I had no idea we could nominate people/blogs!!! Im alllll over this!! :)
I wish I could go :-( really really wish!!! We just cant afford it now that hubby lost his job. booooooooo But have FUN!!!!!!!! :)
I wish I could go, but I just can't afford it...
Ahh, if only I didn't have classes!! I can't miss any, so I can't go to the festival :(
Those nominations are fun!! I'm definitely going to participate :)
oh this is fun! I so wish I could go to the festival :(
Good luck with the contest girl!
Yup, I'll be there! Not at all the events but most. And I wish the contest was open only to Foodbuzz people since we are the only ones allowed at the festival where the winners are announced. I nominated you for something though ;) ;)
I WISH I was going! Ah. If only it were 2 weeks earlier on the East coast... ;)
Ugghhhh why am I in Spain for the next months??!! ...oh right, the churros dipped in hot chocolate.
Wish I could be there though! Good luck!
Martina from The Foreign Kitchen
Yay! San Francisco. :)
Hmmm...what to nominate Steph for. I'm definitely going to do some nominating, but won't be going to California for the festival itself. Good luck Steph!
Sadly, no, I'm going to have to miss the FB Festival this year. I had already accepted a ticket to BlogHer Food which is also in SF - its next week. I couldn't see clear to making such a big trip twice in such a short time so I had to pass on it. Waah!
I know I'm going to be sorry about it, but flying across the country twice in 3 months is just too much.
I will def. submit you for some categories though, Steph! Good luck!
Steph - so crazy! I am going to be in SFO that weekend. Need to figure out how to incorporate into my plans. Do let me know if you end up going.
Hellluuurrrrr! We're going! YES! Also vote you for the healthy cooking/food category. Good luck!
Hmmmm...I think you definitely deserve a nomination for your wonderful blog. Wish I was going to the event!
Wish I could go... but can't afford the plane ticket or the time off right now.
Thanks for reminding me I need to do my nominations!
thanks for the noms guys!! I def nominated a bunch of you for sure!! can't wait to see who wins!
I totally understand most people aren't able to go, it's not a inexpensive trip for sure. I managed to get a really good deal on the flight though (not having kids also helps the ability to go).
Diva- 2 trips out to the west coast that close together would have been crazy hard to pull off! Bummer though I'd love to meet you!
outoftherabbithole: seriously?? awesome! We'll have to meet up for sure!
Duo-Dishes- AWESOME!!! do you guys know where you are staying yet?
Clever post:) I'll nominate you!!!
FYI - I voted for you in the healthy category as well as for the blogger I'd most like to take to dinner! :)
Good luck!
I would have made the 2 trips out to SF if it were not for the fact that I'm also going to Germany in October. That was just one too many long trips for me ... I hate to fly!
No worries, we will meet up one of these days! Hint, you could always come to NYC. ;)
I wish I could go!! I've never been to San Francisco before.
I wish I could go!! I've never been to San Francisco before.
Wish I could go... but can't afford the plane ticket or the time off right now.
Thanks for reminding me I need to do my nominations!
OOOOoooo I had no idea we could nominate people/blogs!!! Im alllll over this!! :)
I wish I could go :-( really really wish!!! We just cant afford it now that hubby lost his job. booooooooo But have FUN!!!!!!!! :)
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