Slacker Tendencies and Smore brittle
I was talking (emailing) with Jeanne the other day about my slacker tendencies. I don't know about you, but I can't go full on all the time. I need to to, well, do nothing. As you can probably tell I did a lot of that over the holidays, and it was wonderful. I felt bad leaving you all without anything to read, but at the same point... you were probably all to crazed with the holidays to be reading my little old blog right? Here's how my time off from work played out.

Smore Brittle
2 sticks butter (yikes)
1.5 cups sugar (more yikes)
2 Tbs corn syrup (only 2 tbs.. that's not bad)
enough sheets of graham crackers (I used cinnamon sugar) to fully layer a large rimmed cookie sheet
1/2 pound bittersweet chocolate, chopped into 1/2-inch pieces
2ish cups of mini marshmallows
1. Line a 12-by-17-inch rimmed baking sheet with a silicone mat or lightly buttered parchment paper. Arrange the graham crackers on the baking sheet in a single layer, patching any holes with cracker bits; slight gaps are okay.
2. In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, butter and corn syrup and cook over low heat until the sugar is melted. Brush the side of the pan with a moistened pastry brush to wash down any sugar crystals. Cook the syrup over moderate heat without stirring until it starts to brown around the edge, about 5 minutes. Insert a candy thermometer into the syrup and simmer, stirring with a wooden spoon, until honey-colored caramel forms and the temperature reaches 300°, about 6 minutes longer.
3. Slowly and carefully pour the caramel over the crackers, being sure to cover most of them evenly. Using an offset spatula, spread the caramel to cover any gaps. Let cool for 3 minutes, then sprinkle the chopped chocolate evenly on top. Let stand until the chocolate is melted, about 3 minutes, then spread the chocolate evenly over the toffee. Spread the mini marshmallows evenly over the chocolate. Freeze the toffee until set, about 15 minutes.
5. Invert the toffee onto a work surface and peel off the mat or paper. Invert again, break into large shards and serve.
- Had a bunch of coffee drinking and reading time
- Baked the staples, but had no motivation to take pictures (it's winter and grey out...)
- Watched a TON of movies and watched bad reality TV (lost some brain cells in the process)
- Took an awesome sewing book out from the library, have been staring at it ever since and dreaming about making said patterns... haven't picked up the scissors yet... total slacker.
- The one non slacker thing I did was go for some runs/spin class/ and cross country skiing... I'm not a total blob apparently (good for me right?)

Smore Brittle
2 sticks butter (yikes)
1.5 cups sugar (more yikes)
2 Tbs corn syrup (only 2 tbs.. that's not bad)
enough sheets of graham crackers (I used cinnamon sugar) to fully layer a large rimmed cookie sheet
1/2 pound bittersweet chocolate, chopped into 1/2-inch pieces
2ish cups of mini marshmallows
1. Line a 12-by-17-inch rimmed baking sheet with a silicone mat or lightly buttered parchment paper. Arrange the graham crackers on the baking sheet in a single layer, patching any holes with cracker bits; slight gaps are okay.
2. In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, butter and corn syrup and cook over low heat until the sugar is melted. Brush the side of the pan with a moistened pastry brush to wash down any sugar crystals. Cook the syrup over moderate heat without stirring until it starts to brown around the edge, about 5 minutes. Insert a candy thermometer into the syrup and simmer, stirring with a wooden spoon, until honey-colored caramel forms and the temperature reaches 300°, about 6 minutes longer.
3. Slowly and carefully pour the caramel over the crackers, being sure to cover most of them evenly. Using an offset spatula, spread the caramel to cover any gaps. Let cool for 3 minutes, then sprinkle the chopped chocolate evenly on top. Let stand until the chocolate is melted, about 3 minutes, then spread the chocolate evenly over the toffee. Spread the mini marshmallows evenly over the chocolate. Freeze the toffee until set, about 15 minutes.
5. Invert the toffee onto a work surface and peel off the mat or paper. Invert again, break into large shards and serve.
18 chews:
i wish we lived closer and you could try out your recipes on me. you know, like quality assurance.
S'mores crack - that's dangerous stuff!
You're not a slacker! Relaxation, reading, and holiday activities are important! They need to be scheduled in to our lives as much as anything else! i need this stuff, it looks amazingly dangerous!
oh wow, i am completely obsessed with anything s'mores-related. maybe it's best if i dont even try this recipe...
Dang that looks good. You know what would be awesome would be marshmallow fluff on top instead of mini marshmallows. Just for the gooey factor!
I think everyone took a bit of a hiatus from the blogsphere for the winter time.. I can't find the motivation right now although I'm trying really hard! I finally made the cookies for your exchange yesterday :) ha This smores creation is a great way to come back!!
yummy :) I started using my friends recipe for smores bars. They come out so good.
Holidays are for relaxing- you can do anything you want to, even if it's reality tv. Really. So don't feel like a slacker. And as for this smore brittle, it looks scary good! :)
Oh, these are scrumptious, Steph. The boy child will go nuts over the mini marshmallows.
I think everyone procrastinates with some things at some point in their life! At least you recognize you're doing it! :-)
Hi! I love your blog, all of your recipes look good, with the exception of the pumpkin muffins that you claimed were not so good (it happens) my "white lasagna" as my husband calls leaves much to the imagination. Oh well, flops in the garbage! I also love that you admitted to loving chow before the hubby. Ha! My husband thinks I love my camera and computer more then him somtimes and that I'm married to the kitchen. Happy sigh?!
OMG this looks divine! And very rich! We all need some down time!
LOL - jogging with fiction, I'd totally let you try them all out!
this stuff really is dangerous people :)
ooo fluff on top is such a good idea!
agirlandhercarrot- thanks so much!! can't wait to look through more of your blog!
LOL - jogging with fiction, I'd totally let you try them all out!
this stuff really is dangerous people :)
ooo fluff on top is such a good idea!
agirlandhercarrot- thanks so much!! can't wait to look through more of your blog!
Oh, these are scrumptious, Steph. The boy child will go nuts over the mini marshmallows.
I think everyone took a bit of a hiatus from the blogsphere for the winter time.. I can't find the motivation right now although I'm trying really hard! I finally made the cookies for your exchange yesterday :) ha This smores creation is a great way to come back!!
oh wow, i am completely obsessed with anything s'mores-related. maybe it's best if i dont even try this recipe... i need this stuff, it looks amazingly dangerous!
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