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Blueberry Hill Inn - Part 4

Ok I swear this is the last post about Blueberry Hill :) although I know you've been loving and drooling over all the pictures!

Sunday morning breakfast was a huge bowl of fresh cut fruit, cinnamon bun type things, blueberry cake, and muffins. I filled my plate up high and sat down with a glass of orange juice...

I then looked over to the right and noticed the other full table with the rest of breakfast.. whoops! The main course of breakfast was eggs and sausages wrapped in phyllo dough... I think I needed a larger pair of pants by the end of the trip haha

Lunch was quick so people who traveled far could get on the road and head home, Matt and I had a 6 hour drive ahead of us, Kendra a 5 hour, we decided to stick around a bit longer for one last hike though :)

final hike before we have to hit the road

Lunch was build your own sandwich style with lots of other goodies floating around. Dessert was more self saucing cake (for those of you who where wondering, it's a hybrid between cake and pudding, super moist and amazing) blueberry crisp, blueberry cake, rice crispy treats... Oh and did I mention Matt bought a sleeve of cookies for the road trip home... he ate a total of 7 cookies that day. CHOW MATT CHOW!!

Check out that huge wheel of cheese, mmmmmm cheese.

This Inn is so like home it's unreal. It just makes you want to curl up with a good book and never leave.

closed in greenhouse, it's feels like a nice summer day all winter long
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