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Cooking on white

I've heard all the arguments about cooking on non stick and if it's going to kill you or not. In truth I can't really tell you what I believe and what I don't. I do know however that a good number of the non-stick pans we got for our wedding (a mear 3 years ago) already look pretty beat up and seem to have lost their non-stickness. I never put pans in the dishwasher, and never use scouring anything on them... so what gives? The worst for wear pan is my go to 12inch frypan. Apparently I use it too much, since it has zero non-sticking ability left.
Not a drop or spray or oil in this pan.
So this brings about my decision to pick up a ceramic pan. Sure I could tell you I did a ton of research and that's why I ended up going with them. Not the case. I first considered replacing with stainless steel, but I try not to use a lot of oil in my cooking... and they kinda require it unless you want half your meal stuck to the pan. And then there I was wandering through Marshalls when I found this nice new snazzy guy in the cooking aisle for $10. Pretty sweet huh? I figured, what the hell, I'll give ceramic a try.

I admit the hardest thing to get used to is the fact you are cooking on white. But now I'm loving it, you can easily see when things are starting to brown and true to the name, NOTHING is sticking to it. I seriously tossed some shredded yams out of it the other night while I was stirring because it was so slick. And no spray! Just food, in the pan, BAM! Perfectly browned!

Here's a set of 3 ceramic pans for $40. That's a pretty good price considering I've seem them for a lot more per pan.

Have you cooked on ceramic before? Did you love it as much as me? I'm going to keep stopping by Marshalls until I have a full new set of pans and pots :)

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