Revolt 2.0 week 3
When I was first asked to do 2- 6 week long uprisings with Revolt I was thinking "man that's a long time... i'm totally going to get bored with it" Amazingly so it's already the end of week 9, and I am not even close to being bored. Nichole has upper her game with this second uprising, she's taken input from the first 6 week program and has made this second one even better.The workouts have 3 levels so someone at any fitness level can play along (I wasn't feeling totally challenged during the first uprising, now I'm having to push hard to finish the advanced level and loving it). Her design of handouts has gotten more user friendly, and from the sounds of it the upgraded website is going to be even better.
Truthfully, if you are looking for a constantly changing schedule of what to do at the gym or your home makeshift gym (you don't need much to make this work at home), this program rocks. Even me being a dedicated gym rat I had become lackluster with my routine, and this was just what I was looking for to mix things up.
To switch things up, here's a photo of the cats we have at work. This is how they sit on my desk every day. The box keeps them mostly out of my way so I can actually get work done.
To catch up on all my revolt posts head here.
Full disclosure I am getting free access to the Revolt site in return for blogging about my experiences. All opinions are my own, no lies, no exaggerations.
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Truthfully, if you are looking for a constantly changing schedule of what to do at the gym or your home makeshift gym (you don't need much to make this work at home), this program rocks. Even me being a dedicated gym rat I had become lackluster with my routine, and this was just what I was looking for to mix things up.
To switch things up, here's a photo of the cats we have at work. This is how they sit on my desk every day. The box keeps them mostly out of my way so I can actually get work done.
To catch up on all my revolt posts head here.
Full disclosure I am getting free access to the Revolt site in return for blogging about my experiences. All opinions are my own, no lies, no exaggerations.

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