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A baby on the way - bird mobile

A friend and his wife are expecting a baby ANY DAY now. Scary. He's been going a bit batty lately worrying about said incoming baby. I really shouldn't be giving advice to worrying parents to be.

J: I'm freaking out, the baby is due in a few weeks... I'm never going to get any sleep again...
S: Yeah... that's gonna suck big time... maybe you should get some extra sleep now cause it's gonna be done for once that baby gets here.
J: *blink* *blink*
S: Oh umm you were looking for sympathy huh... riiiggght it will be fine, I'm sure the baby will sleep buckets!

Yeahhh... note to self... keep baby advice to yourself! :)

Instead of giving more advice as a gift I decided to make this cute bird mobile instead! It's made up of small scraps of material left from other projects. I love how this came together.

Pattern from One Yard Wonders.

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